I have been on sabbatical from the blog for a while, but now that I am back in a hospital, I thought it would be a great time to catch up with everyone. It's such a blessing to know that the recommended treatment for Laura's radiation (IMRT) is not only available in Grand Rapids, but Lack's Cancer Center actually offers the next generation of the treatment (IGRT...I think). The difference is that IMRT focuses radiation on the area surrounding the former tumor within a centimeter, while IGRT can target within a millimeter or two. Grab a ruler and you will be as amazed as I am that this is so precise...therefore, in my own mind, that means that since less normal tissue is being radiated, there is less likelihood for Laura to experience any side effects such as fatigue, nausea, and whatever else could be affected by radiation hitting your brain...which is difficult for me to wrap my head around.
Laura is out already, it only takes about 30 mins as they run a CT scan before every treatment to ensure they are hitting the appropriate target. Still, 30 mins is not long when you have wireless and a great little coffee shop by the entrance. We are so blessed to live in Grand Rapids, where so many have shared their wealth to bring top flight health care to our backyard.
Laura's comment coming out..."Am I glowing?" Funny girl she is. Lack's is really nice, even free valet parking for radiation patients. Yesterday was Day 1 of 33 straight days of radiation, which she has yet to feel anything from, aside from "a little tickling as if there was a little animal running around up there." Only Laura.
That being said, so many have asked how they can help and we now have something that will require some help. Laura can't drive, but needs to be driven to and from Lack's on a daily basis until Nov. 7th. On as many days as I can, I will take care of it. However, with juggling the business and this, there will be days that will not allow me to take her. I am going to attempt to attach a Google calendar for people to see and volunteer for the times of the appointments, and we would welcome the help. The only catch is that her appointments will be at 7:36 every morning starting next week. Therefore, there will likely be mornings where I can drop her off but cannot stay, so she will need picked up. Did I mention the great little coffee shop at the entrance? Feel free to call Laura on her cell if you would like to volunteer for any days. Thanks in advance to everyone that pitches in, we are blessed to have so many generous friends.