Sunday, September 30, 2007
A Visit from Neethi, Jayes & baby Shaan
A Long, Overdue Update
How could that face not be therapeutic!
Isn't he so cute! Handsome little guy! Well, here is the update as I know it on me...
I've been doing pretty well. Headaches haven definitely gotten better. My incision/scar is continuing to heal, more each day. I was at a church conference this weekend with my mom. I got a message from the rad-onc's office that they want me to come in form my first radiation treatment at 11am on Monday. He originally said they have to do a second set-up before the first treatment, so the first actual treatment may not be until Tuesday. I'm a little confused, so we'll keep you posted. Please pray for no side effects--that all normal brain tissue will be spared, no fatigue, no hair loss, no skin changes, etc.
I haven't seen the neuro-onc at U of M again, but I got a call back from her nurse. We finally have all 3 path's back. I haven't seen the reports myself, but from what I've been told on the phone, none of them show grad 4 cells. Praise God! The bulk of the tumor was grade 2, with some grade 3 changes. Tumors are treated like the highest grade of cells present, so they call it a grade 3 (anaplastic) astrocytoma. Dr. Rogers at U of M is recommending radiation initially without chemo, but chemo following radiation. I haven't gotten to speak with her yet, and of course, it's ultimtely our decision. Pray that they do not feel chemo is necessary.
I think I covered it all. That's all I know for now. If there's something new after apppointments the next couple of days, I'll reupdate. Thank you for your continued support! Love,
Sunday, September 16, 2007
It's Been Awhile....
The headache is much better! I am no longer taking pain medicine around the clock. Only when I need it now, which is a big improvement. God is healing me day by day. Still no further word on other path reports. It's a waiting game I guess.
I switched radiation-oncology doctors. We really liked the original one....super nice guy, but they didn't do the type of radiation that Dr. Yasargil recommended. We decided to go with his recommendation, which meant we had to switch doctors and hospitals. I have my initial consult with the new radiation-oncologist tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for that appointment.
I had a nice day Friday at my friend Nicole's. She always gives me an invitation to spend the day at their house for a change of scenery. She even has a guest bedroom ready for my for my nap. And believe me, she makes sure I get a nap and a walk. As she puts it, she "mother hen's me"! Very funny, and true, in a very good way.
Yesterday we headed to Lansing for MSU football. Still no game for me, but Chad goes with the family. I stayed at my parent's with Jean and Jakey, where it was quiet and warm.
The most exciting thing in the last week was that my sister Marie had a beautiful big baby boy. An emergency c-section brought Matthew into the world weighing 9lbs 9oz & 22 1/2 in long. Mom and baby are both doing well. Yippee!
Please continue your prayers for my total healing and for low grade path reports from the next 2 opinions and no need for chemo. Thank you. Love,
Monday, September 10, 2007
Alisha and Jean Left; Good News Today!
We went to see Dr. Spencer, the neurosurgeon in town that is following me after surgery. I started having some funny swelling on the left side of my face, neck, jaw, ear over the last couple of days. Less concerning since it's the side opposite the side of the tumor, but still something worth checking out to rule out an infection. I started thinking maybe it just had to do with the fact that I'm only laying on my left side, and everything is draining that way, so all the swelling is going down. He told us that this is a very common reaction post-op for my type of tumor imbalance in the autonomic nervous system that leads to swelling...which would also explain the swelling I've had in my left leg, which sent us in for a venous doppler late one night last week after seeing the neuro-oncologist at U of M who insisted I have a doppler that night because of the swelling and some leg tenderness. The doppler was obviously negative. Thank you Lord!
While we were with Dr. Spencer today, he asked us if we had seen the pathology from UAMS. We told him we hadn't actually seen it, but that many people had told us what it said, and that we were confused because we had been told many different things. Good news from that conversation! The majority of the tumor is a grade 2 (benign) with some portions being grade 3. The confusion was in how the pathologist wrote the report. It was written 3/4. But there is no in between. There are certain features microscopically that make it a 3, and certain features that make it a grade 4. It was very specifically stated that there was no necrosis in my tumor, which is what it takes to make it a grade 4. Praise God!
We are still waiting for the pathology report from Johns Hopkins and from U of M. After that, the neuro-oncologist will be able to make a better recommendation. However, after the explanation today, Chad and I are much more hopeful that chemo will not be needed. It's when a tumor is grade 4 that chemo is insisted upon. It's more ify with grade 3.
I have an appointment with the radiation -oncologist tomorrow for more preparatory work for radiation. No treatment yet. Please continue to pray for my appointments and for the further pathology that is yet to come back. Also continue to praise God with me for answered prayers and good news...of a total tumor resection and an low grade tumor! Thank you all for your continued support. We will continue to keep you updated.
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Alisha's Kids

Alisha and Lauren are here!
Headaches are definitely getting better! Praise God! I made the mistake yesterday of trying to go the whole day without pain meds because of some othe side effects of those types of meds. I ended up having to take some last night. Chad said, you know honey, you probably shouldn't just go cold turkey off of that, don't you think? Funny how things that are common sense when you're the doctor aren't so much when you're the patient.
For those of you that have been asking, no final path report yet, so no final treatment plan has been proposed to me. And no, I did not have my first radiation treatment. I met with the radiation-oncologist for a consult, but there's quite a bit of planning that has to happen before the first treatment. That's what I know for now. Thanks again for all your support and much appreciated.