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Jakey 8 months
Let's try this again. I couldn't find my camera, so Jean had to take the pics of Jennifer and I and email them to me. She also emailed me a couple of Jake from his 8 month photo shoot, which I'm sure most of you will get when she sends out her August highlights photos. Look at his big bright blue eyes above...and those long eyelashes! Below, look how cute his toes are! He loves to curl them!
I'm doing well. Still trying to get out and walk and get my naps in. Was around too many people yesterday, still don't do really well around crowds, so at the Professor's advice, I didn't go to the MSU football game yesterday. He thought that would be too much stimulation...and I think he is right, so I'm taking it slowly. Headache is continuing to get better. Praise God! Thank you everyone for your continued prayers for healing.
Hi Laura,
Glad to hear your headache is getting better with the new meds. I'm so looking forward to seeing you. I'm watching my niece and nephew for the next couple of days, so we've got five kids in the house! Wow!! Fun, but NOISY!! :)
We're praying that you do not have to do chemo and that all your appointments bring you positive news!
So glad you had a good visit with Jennifer. See you Friday!! Get some rest.
Hey there,
Sorry I haven't blogged lately. A lot going on...sounds like you are doing much better. I think of you often and send up my prayers for you and Chad. Love you both. Jake is getting so big!!!! Wow! Time flies. Erin starts preschool on the 18th. She is really looking forward to it. Rowan is quite a pistol these days being almost two. Anyway love, hugs and kisses to you both!
Hello there sunshine!!!
Just dropping a note to say hello. I know you need your rest and am resisting every urge to run by your house to give you a big hug. I'm praying that the pathology report is good and that your headaches continue to improve. (If there is a way to use OMM telopathically, believe me, I'm doing it)! I'm so glad to hear of Neethi's new baby. What did they name him?
Lord's continued watch over you,
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