Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas!

Good morning and love you Uncle John (and the family too!)
Good morning and Merry Christmas to all our family and friends! I told Chad it was his job to write the blog entry today, but I will do a quick one and we'll have pictures later. We are at my sister, Jean's house with her family and our parents this year. When the boys are up they will open presents and then we will start cooking our Christmas dinner.

For me it's been about the same. I'm working a little and tolerating that ok, except for the lights. I had some testing to look at the nerve function on my right side because of the dizziness and hearing loss. It showed some damage to the Right vestibular nerve. I haven't had a follow-up with the doc that ordered the test yet, but I'm assuming that's from the radiation and I am praising and believing God that it will be temporary! For those of you that haven't seen me in person, I've lost half the hair on my head (fortunately I had very thick hair to start with and a great girl to cut my hair) and you can hardly tell. Also, one day, my eyebrows fell out...that was strange because it was after radiation was over. I have to draw them in. Yes, sad and funny, but true. Looks better than going without.

I was the first one up this morning! I even beat my dad...that's a big deal for those of you who know my family. He's up now and has the coffee started. Jakey's awake, but the action won't start until Benny wakes. My husband just came up from the basement. I told him he was on for a blog entry later today.

May you all have a blessed day and a very Merry Christmas! And may we not forget that today we celebrate Jesus' birthday!


Thursday, December 13, 2007

Crashed Computer...

...that is the reason there hasn't been a post in so long. I have had many emails about updates, so here we go. My computer crashed shortly after the last post. It occupied much of my time and am anxiously awaiting it to be fixed. I get brief moments on Chad's computer when he comes home and isn't finishing up work. Tonight he has a basketball game, so I get to use his computer for a little bit. We were able to take a weekend trip to Florida with my sister Jean and her family. That was very nice. I got to walk on the beach and get some fresh air. No walks outside for me in Michigan right now! I'll try to attach a couple of pics from us on the beach.

My head has been feeling pretty good, rarely headaches. Still dealing with dizziness, fatigue, ringing and hearing loss on that side. I've started physical therapy to help my brain habituate to the dizziness. I have some more testing for the ringing and hearing loss. Our hope is that it's just from inflammation from the radiation and will resolve with time and more healing. I worked a little this week to test it out. Did ok, just had to take a long nap! The residents didn't make too much fun of me when I had to wear sunglasses under the fluorescent lights! I would prefer to work in candlelight...does anyone know of a hospital like that?

Chad's parents are coming this weekend for a visit since we won't be able to go back to Kansas this year. Today I was able to go with my friend Nicole and son Gibson to the Meijer Gardens to see the trees. It was nice to get out of the walls of the house and of course to visit with a friend. May you all have a blessed holiday season and a very merry CHRISTmas. May we not forget the reason we celebrate--the birth of our savior Jesus.

Please continue to pray for the above symptoms to go away and for complete and total healing. My follow-up MRI is January 3. Pray that there is absolutely no tumor, no scar tissue, and no inflammation. Blessings and a very merrry Christmas,


Monday, November 19, 2007


As I walked into the wonderful facility that is Lack's Cancer Center for Laura's final treatment, I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving knowing that we are reaching the end of this journey. To think that 6.5 months ago, I can distinctly see Laura sitting across from me asking for me to help her, but having no idea what she was talking about. That was her first episode. The whirlwind of events that have taken place since provide such perspective, it is almost too much to absorb.

First, God is a loving and faithful father, being there whenever you need Him. A friend of mine mentioned that the intimacy that we experienced with Him while in Arkansas must have been extraordinary, to say the very least. He was right. It was so powerful, that I cannot put it into words. Ever since, he has been there with peace and serenity whenever we called on Him.

Second, the power of family and friendship and all the love and support so many of you have provided over the past months is truly humbling. Personally, I have been guilty of not giving these relationships the weight and appreciation they deserve, and I pray that changes from this point going forward throughout the remainder of our lives. Understanding and supportive family, friends tripping over themselves to do whatever they can, it's been amazing.

Finally, I feel so blessed to know that Laura is going to walk out of the treatment room in a few moments, and she will not have any more treatments to incur. She has been so strong and faithful throughout this time, I have been so proud. You see, we have always joked that she is a delicate princess, but the day we arrived home from the hospital after finding out about the tumor, I held her in our living room while she was crying. God put it on my heart to change her perspective, that she is a strong princess, with a delicate head. Those that have supported us throughout this process can testify that she took that to heart.

Therefore, I am thankful for family, friends, health, healthcare, the Lord's love and faithfulness, prayer, and pain. Without it all, we would not be where we are now. Thank you all for all you have done, whether it be a silent prayer while you are in the middle of something else, or breaking into our house to mow the lawn awaiting for the police to arrive. We love you all and know you have been a reflection of His love throughout this time. I/we could not have gotten through this without you.

God Bless You All,


Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Final Stretch

Though this journey has been anything but easy, it has shown me what a wonderful God we have and how blessed I am with my family and friends. If it was possible, I have fallen more in love with my husband and have a greater respect for his strength. He has stood by me through every rough day, every symptom, every tear. We will certainly be celebrating on Monday morning!

At times the frustration gets to me with the continuing symptoms of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, etc. My mom reminded my of one of my favorite verses since I was a child, which is very fitting right now: Isaiah 40:31 "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." I am continuing to wait on Him and continuing to have faith for my complete healing. We are in the final stretch and will continue to keep you posted. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

Better Day

Friends and Family, Near and Far,

Thank you all for the notes and prayers, they were felt. Laura started feeling better yesterday afternoon following a big dose of prayer and a new nausea medicine. She is doing well today, taking good naps and excited there are only two treatments left. Monday at 9 AM will be a happy time, no doubt. Thank you all for your support, it means so much.

God Bless,


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Prayer Request

The cumulative effect of incrementally increased dosages of radiation is starting to rear its ugly head as we head down the home stretch of Laura's treatments. Barring any issues with the machine today, she is already finished for the day and has only 3 treatments left. That being said, the dizziness was worse this morning and was accompanied by its evil brother nausea.

If you could say a prayer for Laura to receive healing, comfort, and peace during these next few days, I would be grateful. It is difficult watching your wife feel so bad it brings her to tears as it did this morning. It's a helpless feeling, wishing I could shoulder that burden if even for a short while until the treatments are finished. Laura has been so strong throughout this process, a testiment to her faith in God. Thank you all for your prayers, support, and acts of service throughout this time. God has shown himself through so many people in our lives, even those I/we don't know, that it humbles me to the core when I allow myself to take it all in.

God bless you all,


Sunday, November 4, 2007

A bump in the Road

I almost had this post done, hit something on the computer, and lost it! The good news is that I was given the OK to drive last week! Yippee, freedom! I even tried to work a little. I overdid it a little, but it felt great to not be home on the couch. Unfortunately, now I'm back home on the couch. I woke up yesterday with such bad dizziness I could barely walk a straight line to the bathroom. It persisted throughout the day, so I called my docs last night. One of the side effects from radiation is irritation in the ear canal, sometimes to a point where it swells shut. I have quite a bit of irritation, itching and some swelling, so the doc put me on some eardrops to help with that. I spoke with my radiation doc about whether the radiation can also irritate my inner ear and cause dizziness/vertigo. He said it's not typical, but doesn't mean it can't happen. My primary doc put me on some medicine for vertigo. I woke up this AM feeling a little less dizzy, but it came back within an hour of being awake. I've spent most of the day on the couch, and we are unsure what the cause is. It's also possible it's a medication side effect. We are having a difficult time getting my seizure medicine at the right level. We are considering changing meds.

All that being said, please pray for my dizziness to resolve. I am obviously unable to drive when I can't turn my head without getting dizzy. Also pray that my meds get straightened around. The more I'm on, the more possible side effects. For those who know me, you know I used to not even like taking Tylenol or Motrin for a headache. This has been a big change for me to have to carry pill bottles around with me everywhere.

Sorry there wasn't more good news for this post. I am in the last 1/3 of my radiation treatments! That's something positive!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Machine Broken today

I went in for radiation this morning and the machine was not behaving...they said they couldn't get the pulse-dose consistent and that it wasn't safe to get a tratment. We definitely want it safe! That means I won't finish on Navember 15, but November 16 will be my last treatment. Good timing because I have a group of friends from medical school coming in that weekend and we will be able to celebrate the END of radiation. Yippee!!

I feel so blessed everyday in how God has carried me through this time. Very rarely have headaches...unless I get too stimulated, have had no seizures since surgery (please continue to pray that I never have another), nausea is better. I'm starting to lose more hair, so pray that stops...I need it on my head to keep me warm. Thankfully I had lots of thick hair to start with. Praise God for that! I'm chosing to look at all the blessings I've had through this time. It could have been a lot different.

Chad had a "suprise" birthday party for me on Saturday. I figured it out, but still a suprise in many respects. It was lots of fun, but took a long nap after. Mom came in and made me the cake she always did when we were kids...except in gluten-free form. Delicious!

Have a great day, everyone. Thanks for checking in on us. This is the fancy machine that keeps breaking...and what it looks like when they put me in my mask. I had no idea until I was a patient.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halfway Done!

Today was the hump day for radiation. I've had 17 treatments and 16 more to go! Yippee! The end is in sight. I'm putting some weight back on which makes the doctors happy, not me. I had lost quite a bit from the surgery, so I know I need to stay healthy. I'm currently drinking one of the recommended high-calorie smoothies with a little modification--soymilk, banana, rasberries, flaxseed oil, ground flax meal. Quite tasty, actually. The oils are good for the noggin.

Not many bad radiation side effects. Noticing some significant hair loss, but to be expected. The nausea is getting much better. I've had a return of some headaches...not terrible...I can definitely deal with them.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Jib Jab video

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
These are cracking me up! I had to put one in...and I'm sure I'll add more because they are too funny!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Driving Home

We spent the weekend in Detroit...Saturday with Jean and the boys and Sunday with Neethi, Jayesh, and baby Shaan. They had a "cradle ceremony" for Shaan today, something traditional in their culture. There was a cradle involved, but my understanding of it was it was the "official naming ceremony for Shaan and a ceremony to bless him that he will be strong and no ill will come to him. I may be totally off, but if I am, I'm sure Neethi will let me know!

I just thought it was neat because Chad got one of those Wi-Fi cards fpr work, and I can be on the internet whil he's driving. We are still on our way home from Detroit. It's 10pm, so it'll be a late night and a very early morning with radiation at 7:36am. Good thing I got a nap at Neethi's parents' today.

So I guess the latest is I'm going to attempt to start working my way back toward work a little. I will have to start with my babies at the hosptial--as directed by my neurosurgeon...and only a half day a week at first. I will be seeing the employee health doc tomorrow, which is the start of the process. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Please continue to pray for complete healing, not more nausea, no more seizures ever! And no need for chemo ever!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Big News!!

Laura and I went to the University of Michigan hospital to meet with her neuro-oncologist this afternoon. The goal of the appointment was to discuss and learn more about options relating to chemo and her recommendation for treatment. To make a long story short, after taking into account Laura's situation:
  • Young
  • Total resection (removal of tumor)
  • Mostly Grade 2 (benign) with spot of Grade 3 (beginning malignancy)
  • Chemo's affect on this type of tumor...

...the doctor recommended that we monitor through MRI scans before jumping into chemo! In other words...NO CHEMO! There has not be any definitive proof of chemo's improvement on this type of tumor and is more than anything a safety measure for tumors with Grade 3.

If the tumor had not been removed, it would be a different story. If the tumor was a Grade 3 with spots of Grade 4 (worse), it would be a different story. If Laura had this happen later in life, it would be a different story. All in all, once the radiation treatments are finished on November 15th, we will officially be "on the other side" of this experience. Praise God!

We are obviously very excited and relieved to learn of this, and the doctor was fantastic to work with throughout the time today. It is such a relief, though it is incumbent on us taking care of ourselves (I am in this too), meaning we are back on the vegan train to make sure there is only natural stuff going into her system due to the studies of the effect of food on cancer. Happy to do it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

2 days off!

So after the machine was down yesterday, they had it up and running this morning for my early 7:36am treatment. That missed treatment yesterday means we have to tack a treatment onto the end...so we want the machine to run properly so I can get these over with. I am happy for a weekend to have 2 days without treatment and to be able to sleep in a little.

Still battling the nausea. Getting a little better, but still problematic. I'm taking plenty of compazine, which still sometimes doesn't help. Keep praying for that to go away and for my total healing. I'm not planning on having chemo. They would have to really convince me and I don't think that will happen. Total healing is the only option. The Professor told me he got it all and I am convinced that my healthy diet with some alternative treatments will take care of it with the radiation. When I'm getting radiation, I'm picturing that space invaders video game killing any last tumor cell that might possibly be there. Thanks for your prayers. Love,

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Treatment cancelled today

I went in at 7:15am for my radiation and the machine was broken. I met with a nutritionist, then went back home not knowing if they'd fix the machine and call me back or not. They called me to say that all patients on that machine ar canceled for today. Skipping a day is not a big deal...which is why we can not have radiation on sat/sun. This just gives my normal healthy brain cells an extra day to recoupe. That's all that's going on here. I'm determined to go strictly back to my vegan ways...carrot juice, etc, for those of you that were with me to experience it in medical school. Keep praying! Total healing is the only end to this journey. Love,


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hopefully a working calendar!

Appointment cancelled

We will get that calendar working! But I need Chad's help to get it right! I'm waiting for him to come home and get me to go to radiation. Just so no one calls and asks about my appointment yesterday...it was cancelled/rescheduled. She got stuck in Memphis so the appt was moved til next week. That's the latest. Keep praying! Love,

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Appointment with neuro-oncologist today

We have an appointment with the neuro-oncologist at U of M at 3:15pm today. Please pray for us. Her nurse had called a couple of weeks ago and said that Dr. Rogers wanted me to do radiation alone first, the do chemo after radiation. I asked for this appt. today to discuss options and prognosis with or without chemo. Please pray that she doesn't really think we need to do chemo, and pray that it that is what we have to do that God gives us a peace about it. It would mean a long month ahead of fertility stuff before chemo would start. I still know God is healing me. I am healed! I claim it every day.

Radiation is going well...no problems with it, so I can't complain. No more need for any pain meds for headaches, praise God! Our prayer still stays the same: my total healing without any further treatment. Thsnk you to all of you, my friends and family, for staying with me through this adventure and growth period. Love,


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Prayer Request

Radiation is going well so far. I have a prayer request, though, I have been experiencing more nausea. I don't think it is related to radiation, as I had it the week before, but please pray for that...as it affects my appetite too. Otherwise we're doing well...headaches are much better. And, of course, still praying for total healing and no need for chemo.

Chad hasn't worked out the calendar yet, so don't think you can view it on the blog yet. We'll post when it's up and running. Thanks to all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 2 of Radiation

I have been on sabbatical from the blog for a while, but now that I am back in a hospital, I thought it would be a great time to catch up with everyone. It's such a blessing to know that the recommended treatment for Laura's radiation (IMRT) is not only available in Grand Rapids, but Lack's Cancer Center actually offers the next generation of the treatment (IGRT...I think). The difference is that IMRT focuses radiation on the area surrounding the former tumor within a centimeter, while IGRT can target within a millimeter or two. Grab a ruler and you will be as amazed as I am that this is so precise...therefore, in my own mind, that means that since less normal tissue is being radiated, there is less likelihood for Laura to experience any side effects such as fatigue, nausea, and whatever else could be affected by radiation hitting your brain...which is difficult for me to wrap my head around.

Laura is out already, it only takes about 30 mins as they run a CT scan before every treatment to ensure they are hitting the appropriate target. Still, 30 mins is not long when you have wireless and a great little coffee shop by the entrance. We are so blessed to live in Grand Rapids, where so many have shared their wealth to bring top flight health care to our backyard.

Laura's comment coming out..."Am I glowing?" Funny girl she is. Lack's is really nice, even free valet parking for radiation patients. Yesterday was Day 1 of 33 straight days of radiation, which she has yet to feel anything from, aside from "a little tickling as if there was a little animal running around up there." Only Laura.

That being said, so many have asked how they can help and we now have something that will require some help. Laura can't drive, but needs to be driven to and from Lack's on a daily basis until Nov. 7th. On as many days as I can, I will take care of it. However, with juggling the business and this, there will be days that will not allow me to take her. I am going to attempt to attach a Google calendar for people to see and volunteer for the times of the appointments, and we would welcome the help. The only catch is that her appointments will be at 7:36 every morning starting next week. Therefore, there will likely be mornings where I can drop her off but cannot stay, so she will need picked up. Did I mention the great little coffee shop at the entrance? Feel free to call Laura on her cell if you would like to volunteer for any days. Thanks in advance to everyone that pitches in, we are blessed to have so many generous friends.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

A Visit from Neethi, Jayes & baby Shaan

I couldn't resist posting a second time today just to put on pictures of Neethi and baby Shaan! They drove in from Detroit today to hang out with us. This was the first time we've seen each other since my craniotomy and her delivery. It was just like old times. The boys hung out downtstairs watching football, and we hung out upstairs and watched some girly shows and chatted. It was so good to see them! I really miss having them close by! The main reason for this post was so you all could see how cute baby Shaan is! Here we go...

A Long, Overdue Update

Hi everyone! It's been pretty much same old same old around here and I was away for a little while. I told you all that my sister, Marie, had a strapping baby boy! That was very exciting! A little too exciting since she had to have an emergency C-section and there was NO time for ANESTHESIA. She is obviously a very strong woman! Both are doing well. Jean and mom wondered if I might be able to go. I asked my ras-onc, Dr. Kane. I think Dr. Kane's thought was "once she starts radiation, she won't be able to go anywhere for awhile, and it'll be good for her to see her sister and new nephew." So I decided to go. Off the 5 of us went--mom and Jean with Benny and Jakey. Jean has and Expedition with 3 rows of seats, so I sat in the 3rd row. Motion back there wasn't great, but it weas much better than sitting in front where I could see road motion and lots of light. The trips down and back weren't awesome, but I made it and it was well worth it to see Marie and Matthew! Lots of baby snuggle time. As my mom put it, with all that has happened in our family in the last couple of months, she thought I needed to see Marie as much as Marie needed to see me. Here is baby Mattthew...
How could that face not be therapeutic!

Isn't he so cute! Handsome little guy! Well, here is the update as I know it on me...

I've been doing pretty well. Headaches haven definitely gotten better. My incision/scar is continuing to heal, more each day. I was at a church conference this weekend with my mom. I got a message from the rad-onc's office that they want me to come in form my first radiation treatment at 11am on Monday. He originally said they have to do a second set-up before the first treatment, so the first actual treatment may not be until Tuesday. I'm a little confused, so we'll keep you posted. Please pray for no side effects--that all normal brain tissue will be spared, no fatigue, no hair loss, no skin changes, etc.

I haven't seen the neuro-onc at U of M again, but I got a call back from her nurse. We finally have all 3 path's back. I haven't seen the reports myself, but from what I've been told on the phone, none of them show grad 4 cells. Praise God! The bulk of the tumor was grade 2, with some grade 3 changes. Tumors are treated like the highest grade of cells present, so they call it a grade 3 (anaplastic) astrocytoma. Dr. Rogers at U of M is recommending radiation initially without chemo, but chemo following radiation. I haven't gotten to speak with her yet, and of course, it's ultimtely our decision. Pray that they do not feel chemo is necessary.

I think I covered it all. That's all I know for now. If there's something new after apppointments the next couple of days, I'll reupdate. Thank you for your continued support! Love,


Sunday, September 16, 2007

It's Been Awhile....

Hi all! Sorry it's been awhile since the last post, but not much to tell, I guess. The only thing that's been exciting recently (not in a good way) is that I got cellulitis in my face. Ugh. Fortunately it was on my left side, but started to creep to my right side which is when I got concerned (since that was the side of surgery). I was placed on a very hefty antibiotic and looked much better even by the next day. Praise God! I am continuing to improve each day with that. I still have s mild amount of swelling and am still a little red and splotchy on the face. At least it's not flaming hot and tender now. Huge improvement!

The headache is much better! I am no longer taking pain medicine around the clock. Only when I need it now, which is a big improvement. God is healing me day by day. Still no further word on other path reports. It's a waiting game I guess.

I switched radiation-oncology doctors. We really liked the original one....super nice guy, but they didn't do the type of radiation that Dr. Yasargil recommended. We decided to go with his recommendation, which meant we had to switch doctors and hospitals. I have my initial consult with the new radiation-oncologist tomorrow afternoon. Please pray for that appointment.

I had a nice day Friday at my friend Nicole's. She always gives me an invitation to spend the day at their house for a change of scenery. She even has a guest bedroom ready for my for my nap. And believe me, she makes sure I get a nap and a walk. As she puts it, she "mother hen's me"! Very funny, and true, in a very good way.

Yesterday we headed to Lansing for MSU football. Still no game for me, but Chad goes with the family. I stayed at my parent's with Jean and Jakey, where it was quiet and warm.

The most exciting thing in the last week was that my sister Marie had a beautiful big baby boy. An emergency c-section brought Matthew into the world weighing 9lbs 9oz & 22 1/2 in long. Mom and baby are both doing well. Yippee!

Please continue your prayers for my total healing and for low grade path reports from the next 2 opinions and no need for chemo. Thank you. Love,

Monday, September 10, 2007

Alisha and Jean Left; Good News Today!

Alisha had to leave today to go back to her family in Arizona : ( It seems like she just got here yesterday. Jean took her to the Detroit airport. It was great to have she and Lauren here. Everyone that has come has been so helpful...driving me to the grocery store, taking me to appointments if Chad can't, etc. Here's a pic of Alisha and I before she left:

We went to see Dr. Spencer, the neurosurgeon in town that is following me after surgery. I started having some funny swelling on the left side of my face, neck, jaw, ear over the last couple of days. Less concerning since it's the side opposite the side of the tumor, but still something worth checking out to rule out an infection. I started thinking maybe it just had to do with the fact that I'm only laying on my left side, and everything is draining that way, so all the swelling is going down. He told us that this is a very common reaction post-op for my type of tumor resection...an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system that leads to swelling...which would also explain the swelling I've had in my left leg, which sent us in for a venous doppler late one night last week after seeing the neuro-oncologist at U of M who insisted I have a doppler that night because of the swelling and some leg tenderness. The doppler was obviously negative. Thank you Lord!

While we were with Dr. Spencer today, he asked us if we had seen the pathology from UAMS. We told him we hadn't actually seen it, but that many people had told us what it said, and that we were confused because we had been told many different things. Good news from that conversation! The majority of the tumor is a grade 2 (benign) with some portions being grade 3. The confusion was in how the pathologist wrote the report. It was written 3/4. But there is no in between. There are certain features microscopically that make it a 3, and certain features that make it a grade 4. It was very specifically stated that there was no necrosis in my tumor, which is what it takes to make it a grade 4. Praise God!

We are still waiting for the pathology report from Johns Hopkins and from U of M. After that, the neuro-oncologist will be able to make a better recommendation. However, after the explanation today, Chad and I are much more hopeful that chemo will not be needed. It's when a tumor is grade 4 that chemo is insisted upon. It's more ify with grade 3.

I have an appointment with the radiation -oncologist tomorrow for more preparatory work for radiation. No treatment yet. Please continue to pray for my appointments and for the further pathology that is yet to come back. Also continue to praise God with me for answered prayers and good news...of a total tumor resection and an low grade tumor! Thank you all for your continued support. We will continue to keep you updated.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Alisha's Kids

I will later post a picture of Alisha, Lauren and I. For now, I'm going to show you some pics of Alisha's kids, because they are too cute not to share. She has 3 kids: Chase, Andrea, and Lauren. They all wanted to come visit, but Lauren was the only lucky one. Oh is she adorable! I was fortunate and got to see them all when I was teaching a course in Arizona in April...just a few weeks before Alisha had Lauren.

Alisha and Lauren are here!

My friend Alisha and her 4 month-old little girl arrived last night from Arizona after a long day of traveling! Yippee! She's my best friend since 5th grade...I don't get to see her very often and it's great to have her here! Nicole just came over with Gibson and the 5 of us went on a walk (Doctor's orders). What a beautiful day! Another MSU football game today...and I'm being a good girl and avoiding too much stimuli and I stayed home. I know it would be too early, because car rides and sometimes the TV even bother me. Things I wouldn't expect. Jean and Jakey are coming back tonight to stay until Monday. Jean will take Alisha to the airport on Monday.

Headaches are definitely getting better! Praise God! I made the mistake yesterday of trying to go the whole day without pain meds because of some othe side effects of those types of meds. I ended up having to take some last night. Chad said, you know honey, you probably shouldn't just go cold turkey off of that, don't you think? Funny how things that are common sense when you're the doctor aren't so much when you're the patient.

For those of you that have been asking, no final path report yet, so no final treatment plan has been proposed to me. And no, I did not have my first radiation treatment. I met with the radiation-oncologist for a consult, but there's quite a bit of planning that has to happen before the first treatment. That's what I know for now. Thanks again for all your support and prayers...so much appreciated.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Jakey 8 months

Let's try this again. I couldn't find my camera, so Jean had to take the pics of Jennifer and I and email them to me. She also emailed me a couple of Jake from his 8 month photo shoot, which I'm sure most of you will get when she sends out her August highlights photos. Look at his big bright blue eyes above...and those long eyelashes! Below, look how cute his toes are! He loves to curl them! I'm doing well. Still trying to get out and walk and get my naps in. Was around too many people yesterday, still don't do really well around crowds, so at the Professor's advice, I didn't go to the MSU football game yesterday. He thought that would be too much stimulation...and I think he is right, so I'm taking it slowly. Headache is continuing to get better. Praise God! Thank you everyone for your continued prayers for healing.


My friend Jennifer left today to go back to her family in St. Louis. It was great to have her here! Here is a picture of us. She was my roommate my freshman year in college. We had a lot of fun these last few days. My friend Alisha (from high school) will come next Friday with her little girl Lauren. Jean is still here with baby Jake. She will be leaving tomorrow, but will come back next week when Alisha comes. She comes to help with everything--with the driving around, since I'm not allowed to drive and specifically pick anyone up from the airport, the washing of my hair, the food prep, the house cleaning/up-keep, etc. She's been so very helpful! Jakey had his 8 month birthday while they were here...here is a a picture of how cute he is...it's hard not to pick him up! I've been good, though.Having troubles with the pics again, so I'm post again with Jakey's pictures.

Friday, August 31, 2007


Hi everyone! I thought I'd write another post today, since Chad doesn't have as much time as I do to post on the blog. He did such a great job when I couldn't, that I'm going to try now that I can. Things are going well here, all things considering! My headaches are much better controlled on the pain meds, which were changed at my last appointment. My sister has been here with my younger nephew, Jakey, which has been great, only hard because I can't lift him. I have a weight restriction and can't lift more than 10lbs. My friend from college, Jennifer, came to vist for the weekend, which has been great too...it's like we're freshmen in college again, only married! We went for a walk (Dr's orders) this morning through the neighborhood--what a beautiful day! I had an appointment with the oncologist this morning. Still waiting to find out the final pathology so we know whether chemo will be recommended or not. Pray that the pathology is a lower grade, so they won't recommend chemo. We would like to only have to do radiation, but will obviously do whatever gives me the best prognosis and the lowest chance of tumor recurrence! By the way, for those of you that know her, my friend Neethi gave birth last night to an adorable baby boy!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Phone Calls

To all of my friends that wonder why I don't return phone calls...please understand that before I was on anti-seizure meds, too much auditory stimuli would make me have seizures...both too much talking and too much listening. Talking on the phone really seems to bother me, so I stay off as much as possible. Know that it has nothing to do with not wanting to talk, but everything to do with not wanting to ever have another seizure! I hope you understand. As I continue to feel better, I will let you know when it is easier to be on the phone. Thank you for all of the calls and emails...right now, email is the preferred method of communication for me. Getting better each day. Still praying for no more headaches! Also, have many Dr's appointments in the next couple of weeks, please pray for those. The verdict's still out on chemo, but I really don't want to have it! Radiation starts next week. Love to you all,

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

On that note,

Laura does have an allergy to shellfish, especially shrimp.

Monday, August 27, 2007

If you are wanting to cook...

We have had a number of people ask if they could make a meal for us while Laura recooperates, but are fearful of the gluten allergy...which is understandable. That being said, I love food, and welcome any meals during the work week when I can't be at home to make them as easily myself. Also, Laura doesn't know this, but I had a special request for the Professor to get rid of the part of her brain that made her not want to eat meat...and it seems to have worked! We had filet on Saturday night, steak kabobs for lunch yesterday, and burgers last night! Praise God! That being said, Laura still stays away from anything "farm raised" (fish) due to mercury content. She still eats vegetarian, just not strictly as she seems to crave protein lately. Also, I eat everything, so don't worry about the food going to waste or not being liked.

Here are some websites for gluten-free recipes that might be helpful:

Some things that I have learned to avoid since trying to live gluten-free:
distilled vinegar (balsamic and red wine are fine)
carmel coloring- did you know Coca-Cola has gluten?
artificial vanilla flavoring
"spices"- generalized on labels
wheat-free doesn't mean gluten free (I know, right?)

If you avoid pretty much all salad dressings and marinades, that is usually a good idea. People at stores just don't know or understand gluten-free unless you go to Harvest Health.

Please don't feel that this is necessary, but I wanted to provide some help for those people that "show their love" through food.

Laura's headache is still an issue, though she is now officially "regular" after I threatened another supository Saturday morning. Thank you for all of your prayers, flowers, and support; it has been amazing. Talk to you soon.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Farmers Market

Went to the Farmers Market this morning and to Fresh Market this afternoon. I have been out walking like a good girl getting my exercise! Thanks to everyone for your gift generosity and your time, for those of you who are driving me around! Everything is much aprreciated! You all have sent such beautiful flowers, too! It looks like a florist in here!

My headache is getting better each day, please pray that it goes away completely...I'd like to not have to take anything for pain. I'm sleeping well, which is a huge blessing when trying to heal. I just got off the phone with my dear friend Neethi...we are stuck on opposite sides of the state from each other, and neither of us are allowed to drive to see the other...me because of the driving after having seizures rule, and she because she is 9 months pregnant and could go into labor any time! I told her she just can't have a baby that weighs more than 10 lbs. because I'm not allowed to lift any more than that after surgery. For those of you that know Neethi, that's just funny, because she's petite. She said she'd cry if she has a baby that weighs more than 7lbs, let alone 10. Ohhh, how I wish I could be with her right now!

Thank you all for your continued prayers and posts! It's so awesome to feel this loved! Chad is making me dinner right now. He's concerned about my getting enough protein to regain my strength, so he's grilling filets, which is not a common occurrence here in our mostly vegetarian home. For those of you that know me well, you won't be suprised by the pint of mint chocolate chip ice cream waiting for me in the freezer...already partially eaten. I know, for those that know me really well, you're suprised it's not a half-gallon!

Again, visitors welcome, as long as I'm home. Love to you all,

Friday, August 24, 2007

Ahhh OMM!!

It's so nice to be home! Patients just don't get good rest in the hospital! I went to one of my clinics today to get treated. Oh, how I needed that! Thanks Laura and Kevin! I feel much better! One of my friends had to drive me around today since I'm not allowed to drive. It's hard to be dependent on people. But boy how it helps to have great friends who will do anything for you! It was great to see everybody today! It was nice to get out of the house. I need to get out more and walk more--Dr's orders. He wants me to walk a couple of miles a day. If I'm not walking enough I have to wear the support hose. I know which I'd rather do!

I have some of my best friends in the world coming to see me in the next couple of weeks and I am so excited!! Thanks you guys! It makes Chad feel better to have someone with me at home...he doesn't like me here by myself, but there's not much we can do about that...and he has to work and I'm not allowed to yet.

For those of you wondering what the next step is...that will be radiation starting the first week of September. The Professor said no chemo...just radiation, that we will be able to do here in Grand Rpids, thankfully. Also, I will remain on seizure medicine for at least 6 months until they start to try to wean me off of that

The headache is continuing to get better; however, I still need quite a bit of pain medicine, which I'd just as soon not take. Thank you for the continued prayers for no more headaches or seizures, for the ucoming radiation--that it gets every last nasty cell that may be lingering in there, for my incision to heal quickly so I can shower and wash my own hair...those little things we take for granted!

Thank you to everyone who has been sending beautiful things to the house--flowers, edible arrangements, etc. It's all wonderful! Keri, Denise gave me a hug from you today! I would welcome visitors anytime...just call first so you know I'm home...though odds are good I will be! Love you all,

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Home Sweet Home

To the surprise of many, we landed very easily in GR despite the storm. We immediately went to spend our gift certificate at Bonefish with Bruce (picked us up from airport) to celebrate coming home, while Laura was sporting off her scar. She was very hungry on the plane, as we realized that we hadn't eaten since breakfast and had no time on our layover in Memphis after being delayed sitting on the tar mack in Little Rock in 103 heat with no AC...not cool. I cannot WAIT to hear the story from Nicole as to why the police were in our drive when Bruce stopped by the house to pick up our car to pick us up...and speaking of Nicole, what the heck are you doing mowing our lawn? Thanks, that is too much. Carrie, flowers all over the place (nice touch on the card, how much do I owe you for the rose?) and an immaculate house...we don't even know what to say.

Funny stuff...Laura fell asleep in the plane with some water still in her mouth and woke up when it spilled down her shirt....and then asked me tonight what time I wanted to go to church tomorrow morning...then repeated the question three times as I wasn't sure I was hearing her right. Laura didn't even bother taking off her doctor-recommended white support hose to eat at Bonefish...she was THAT hungry....and a little stoned on meds.

Just to prepare those who visit, Laura's face is a little weak on the left side, so her smile mostly exists on her right side. She can smile symmetrically, but she has to think about it. Nothing to worry about per the Professor, it is the ONLY sign of weakness her entire body has shown, quite a miracle. I think Bruce was having the same issue I have had with her looking like she went off on a vacation and came back with a scar instead of a tattoo.

If people are planning on asking a lot of life question, be prepared for us not having a lot of answers. The fact that two weeks have passed in minutes, and Laura is laying next to me...catching flies with her mouth wide open no less...is a miracle that can only be understood by the big guy Himself. Frankly, neither of us can wrap our heads around it, as none of it seems real...we can't even believe it was two weeks ago today that we were flying out! The one lesson I can say that I hope to learn from is the power of friendship. I can't say I have been a great friend to a lot of people in my life, and you all have shown me what it means to be one. Your love, support, and care you have shown Laura throughout the last month has been awe inspiring. I could only hope to be the kind of friend that so many of you have shown to be to Laura. God bless you all.

By the way, her headache got a lot better today aside from the altitude changes in the plane, so hopefully the body chemistry change after last night took hold.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Coming Home!

I had an appointment with the professor this afternoon, and he thought I looked great and strong. He said we didn't even have to wait until Friday to travel. We were able to get back on our originally scheduled flight this afternoon and will be back in Grand Rapids later tonight. We are very excited to be out of the heat and out of hotel beds! I'm feeling good and up for the trip. Still have a little headache, but not bad all things considering....Ready to get home, for sure, and out of this heat. I'm excited to see all of you...thanks for all the support! Radiation treatments will be scheduled once I'm home, but I will not have to travel back here for those--he said those could be done in Michigan.

The Kids Enjoyed Their Swim

WARNING- I like gross humor, so if you don't, you may want to pass on reading this post.

Laura finally was able to clean her system out last night! Professor's wife, and assistant, was concerned about the lack of BM, so she suggested a suppository. After learning more about them on our way to Walgreen's, I realized Laura and I would be taking the intimacy of our relationship to a new level. :) When we returned from Walgreen's, I was tied up with an online fantasy football draft I have annually with my college buddies. During that time, at Jean's suggestion, Laura effectively used the "braille" technique to take care of it. All has passed, and she no longer looks 3 mos pregnant, which is not an exaggeration.

Continued prayers for a speedy recovery, disappearing headache, and brief radiation treatments are much appreciated, as well as those for Leah and her family (young woman hit by the baseball).

God bless and we can't wait to return to MI!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Coming Home Friday!

We found out at about 6:30 PM that we are seeing the Professor tomorrow at 2 PM and returning home Friday. We are looking forward to being back in MI!

Mmmm Starbucks

I am a dedicated Beaners guy, but they don't have them down here (I promise, Jim). Laura and I hung out at Starbucks for a while today and then walked around a bit. I was hoping Starbucks affected her like it does me, but no such luck so far. While we were there, a police officer escaping from the heat asked about how Laura was doing, not knowing what the head scarf was for. He was in awe when he found out she had brain surgery last week. She looked far too well for her to have had such a serious surgery. To be honest, the reality of the situation is difficult for either of us to comprehend as well. She had brain surgery last Monday...I just can't wrap my head around it...and she can't either.

We still have yet to find out when we are returning, so I will let everyone know when we do.

On Sunday, Professor informed us that he had an emergency surgery Monday morning on a young girl serving as the physical trainer for a college who was hit in the head by a baseball. They ran an MRI on her to make sure she was all right, even though she was not experiencing headaches, and found a malignant tumor. Talk about a blessing! When Laura, Doc, and Janet went for a walk late in the afternoon on Sunday, they bumped into the girl (20/21 yrs old) and her father. Understandably, she was very scared, but felt so much better after being able to talk to someone that was on the other side of it. Please pray that her surgery was successful and there are no lingering effects for the young woman, as I cannot help but be amazed that God had to line up a high speed foul ball to demonstrate his faithfulness in her. Our God is amazing!

No changes on the prayer request front, and we sincerely appreciate them.

Monday, August 20, 2007

She is a bit "stoned" from her medication, so she is not fully vibrant as usual. Directly to the left is a pic of us waiting for the shuttle as we were bringing her home from the hospital. Go figure, she gets a bit dolled up in nothing other than pink. We just finished a walk around the block...not too bad for brain surgery just a week ago!

The Other News

Laura is doing well today, though the headache persists. It is localized around her right eye and temporal area, so please pray for those areas. It is obvious she is happy to be out of the hospital, and her appetite has returned aside from the times her headache is intense. No BM yet, so that would be welcome as well.

After the surgery last Monday, Professor told me the majority of the tumor looked like a Stage 2 (low grade) aside from one section. However, he couldn't confirm that until it passed through pathology (labs) to confirm. On Saturday, he informed Doc, Janet, and I that all was Stage 2 aside from one corner that was Stage 3 (high grade). The good news is that there were no cancerous cells in her blood work or spinal tap, so it might have just recently changed/mutated. For good measure, he recommended that we have her undergo some local radiation to ensure there are no Stage 3 cells lingering around. The MRI confirmed all of the tumor is out, but cells can hide. Laura was informed yesterday, and she didn't blink an eye. She wants to get this finished and move on with life...a trooper to put it lightly. We are waiting to schedule an appointment with the Professor either later today, but most likely tomorrow. He said the radiation could be administered in Grand Rapids/MI (thank you to the leadership in GR for developing a life sciences economy so this is available locally). He said this is not something to worry about, as it is a preventative measure, and the tumor was found and removed in very short order, therefore potentially getting it out before more of the tumor mutated. Praise God!! We look forward to learning more when we meet with him next.

Prayer Requests

Please pray for safe, comfortable treatments of radiation, disolving headache, and a less retentive van for the kids. Thanks again for all of your support and prayers, it is a true blessing to have so many loving friends. God Bless

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Back at the Hotel!

I don't think I have ever been so excited and happy to bring anyone anywhere. After Professor said he would have her stay another day, I sweet-talked him into allowing her to come back to the hotel...a more comfortable and uplifting environment. She was very happy to get out of the hospital, though that is in no way a reflection of the UAMS quality of care. All of the people there are so caring and nice, we would recommend it to anyone having this or multiple myeloma...which it is also world famous for treating.

After the move, Laura is resting in the bedroom watching TV...though I was giving her grief for watching HSN, which she replied that they were cooking her yummy food (Wolfgang Puck was selling his stuff...and the prime rib looked great!). When Doc and Janet return from lunch, she will get to take a much needed shower...lover her to pieces, but she's getting ripe!

I am sure she will reach out later today, as will I as there is more news to share. Off to the pharmacy I go!

Saturday, August 18, 2007

She Speaks!

I thought I'd take the opportunity to post something while Chad doesn't need his computer; and, he's otherwise occupied watching his brothers football game on TV...we were supposed to be there right now, but this surgery changed our plans around a little bit.

Not much more to write than what Chad has already. I ate well today. Lots of fruit and prunes (yuck!). Dad made me some salmon and wild rice and delivered it to the hospital. It was awesome and the closest thing to real food I've had in days. I am excited to get out of here and back to the hotel. Very excited to wash my hair/shower and get these compression boots off...they said I have to wear the hose for awhile.

Someone has already spoken for getting to be the one to adorne the little patch of hair on my right side with pink beads...so don't everyone fight over that! My sister sent me some beautiful scarves to hide the war wounds, which I will be wearing for awhile, I'm sure. I don't think my hair will cover it that easily, we'll see. I'm not too concerned. I feel totally blessed that he got the tumor out and that I have all my faculties about me. I have a lot to be thankful for. OK, I think that will be it for tonight. Thanks for all the continued prayers for my complete recovery and all the love I know is being sent our way.

A Great Night's Rest

...will do wonders. Laura slept from about 9:30 PM until early this morning. While I noticed she was getting stronger through the night, the difference this morning is fantastic. The smile that lights up a room is back, as well as a more consistent sense of humor. Professor is excited to see the progress, and wants to see her progress a touch more here before sending her back to the hotel.

We got to see the post-op MRI, and wow. The tumor was pretty large. A vague description would be an oval 4 in. by 2 in.. It is pretty crazy to see an empty spot in her head. While I can accurately say I now have more brains than she, we all know who is the brains in this family...and it is not the author of this blog post.

For your enjoyment, Laura OK'd the release of the pictures of her incision and shiner. It's not like she won't be asked by people to see the incision scar anyway.
Prayer Request

Continued prayers for a speedy, comfortable recovery, dramatically reduced headache...and a less retentive "van door."

Friday, August 17, 2007

Exciting News!

Today was not a lot different from yesterday, as Laura's headache still persists and the "kids are still strapped into the bus." Now the pain starts for me...watching "High School Musical 2"...the things we do for our loved ones. Far too much bubble gum, overacting, and singing for my taste, but Laura is entertained by it.

Ok, here is the exciting news- It is possibile that they are going to release her to the hotel tomorrow so to get her out of the hospital and into a more comfortable environment. How long we will be there, I am unsure. I am excited and scared at the same time to get her out of here.

Please pray for the "kids to unclick their seatbelts" and for that to allow her headache to disappear for a more comfortable recovery. Thanks for the prayers and support! We hope to see you back in GR soon!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

My fault for the delay in posting, which you will understand a bit later. I stayed with Laura at the hospital last night, and she had a pretty decent night after taking some codeine around midnight. She rested well, and went to the bathroom by herself "so not to bother me"...she got in trouble for that one...but then I didn't wake up for the 2nd time she needed to go...so anyway.... This morning she asked for some fruit, as she was hungry...sweet! She was recently up walking around and it's so neat to see her become alert after getting some food in her. Jean mailed some tasty gluten-free lemon cookies, and she enjoyed some bites of those. Thanks Jean!

Her sense of humor is definitely in tact as she "squeezed the buns" as she likes to put it during a standing hug after her walk. Then, after explaining to Doc the hotel has ice cream treats such as Klondike bars you can buy, she asked, "What would you do for a Klondike bar? Would you get a brain tumor removed?" I can't tell you what it feels like to see her with a smile on and flashing around that sweet personality we all love.

Her headache is pretty rough still, and has to take codeine to put some limits on it, as it hit a 8 out of 10 on the pain scale today. As many of you know, she is not keen on medicines and pain killers. She is being so strong throughout this recovery process, I know I would be whining something awful.

Doc and Janet really stepped up today by being here when I went back to the hotel to rest. The lack of sleep finally caught up with me today. After getting what I thought was a reasonable amount of rest last night, I returned to the hotel this morning to recharge. Even though I didn't feel very tired, Janet and I thought it would be wise to grab a short nap around 8:30/9:00 AM... I woke up at 2:00 PM. I guess my body wanted more sleep than I thought, and since I woke up in the exact position I laid down in, it was much needed. Many friends who have supported family in the hospital have encouraged me to take care of myself, which I especially took to heart so to provide Laura heartful, caring support, not grouchy, tired attendance in her room. My college roommate, Tim, really made a point of this, as he and his wife Kathy had a similar situation a couple of years ago when their then 2 yr old boy, Max, had a tumor/mass removed from his brain. Thanks Tim.

If she is feeling up to it, Laura might post her own entry again tomorrow. She texted Jean a thank you for the cookies, so she is becoming more active and wanting to do a little more all of the time.

She just said that she needs a STAT OMM consult...

Prayer Request

Continue to pray for a speedy, comfortable, pain-free recovery and specifically for the headache to subside. I can't believe I am going to put this on here, but I don't want to miss out on any power of prayer for her...she also needs to "drop the kids off at the pool." She hasn't since the surgery, and they think that might be part of the problem with the headache. Here's to hoping I don't end up in the hospital shortly for posting that...

God bless, and thanks so much for all the love and support everyone has shown.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A Walk Down the Hall

Laura recently finished a walk of 40 ft to left of her room door to the exit door, and then about 100 to other end of the hall where the visitor's lounge is, and then back to the room she went! She has a mild temperature as her body recovers, and her head continues to thump. She only had some small sponges inserted between her lobes to create some space for the removal of a tumor...I guess I would have a headache too.

She did find a berry smoothie concoction an easier way of stomaching the soy milk rather than drinking it straight. She left a little, and it was pretty tasty.

She is resting soundly right now, and hope to see her do more of the same throughout the night.

Sending Stuff

People are asking about sending goodies, and I want to first say this is very generous and much appreciated. However, if you would like Laura to be able to enjoy them, would it be all right to have things sent to our house once we return home? Laura's eye's are shut 99% of the time right now and will be able to enjoy them more at home as we would likely have to leave them behind. I hope that's all right, I just want the person they are intended for to be able to enjoy them!

A Low Key Day

...and that works just fine. Laura is resting peacefully next to me. The only activity aside from bathroom breaks are revolving moist, cold wash cloths that Laura is situating over her right eye. We rotate them from the AC vent that I am sitting on to her eyes. It serves two purposes...feeling good and relieving swelling. Late yesterday afternoon, her right eye began swelling. Professor warned us this would take place, as it is the lymbic system's response to the incision and surgery. This is all based on memory of last Thursday's appt. with him, so my apologies to the doc's out there if I am off base.

***Breaking News***
We interupt this program to bring you a breaking news alert...

Just as I was finishing the prior paragraph, the nurse came in and we got Laura to keep down about 6 oz of soy milk to give her strength. She then got up to walk out of the room and about 20 ft down the hall and back! Her nausea subsided, and did very well getting there and back. A little wobbly due the to medication, but that is to be expected. Praise God! We are going to need to be a little more aggressive with feeding her, as I could tell very quickly the difference the little bit of soy milk made.

Professor stopped by briefly and said things are progressing well, and we are going to start a more aggressive "feeding campaign" to build up her strength so her body can recover.

I would take a picture of her and post it, but I am not so sure I wouldn't be in the hospital as soon as her strength comes back. The gowns aren't exactly at Laura's level of fashion, and the ice pack on the head doesn't make for a very attractive hat. She is sleeping soundly after the walk while listening to some Brandon Heath (new Christian artist...album is great).

Your continued prayers and support are great and know they are felt.

Now that I am making sense again...

Sorry Laura fans for the late post, but I spent the night with Laura last night, and only slept a few hours...not a good thing for someone who really needs 7-8 to operate correctly. My sister kicked me out early this morning and sent me back to the hotel after my conversation with her around 6:30 was slurred and wasn't making a lot of sense. I thought I sounded just fine, but that's what drunk people say too...Laura had a really good night, and today the big development is she is eating! I am very relieved that she is getting some nutrition in her system to aid recovery. Last night, she was getting in and out of her bed well during bathroom breaks, which was a great sign!

Professor said this morning she will likely be released to go home on Saturday, which is amazing. We will be playing it by ear, but that is what he is thinking.

Her headache continues to be an issue, and she had a little more codeine to ease her pain so to rest more soundly. She is doing so now, and we ask that people continue to pray her headaches recede soon.

God Bless,


Tuesday, August 14, 2007

By the Way, Family is Awesome

I am ashamed to say I failed to mention something pretty neat. For those that don't know, my brother, Kelly, is working toward making the regular roster for the San Diego Chargers (http://www.chargers.com/team/roster/kelly-griffeth.htm). Settle down ladies. My parents flew out to San Diego this last weekend to see him play in Sunday night's Chargers vs. Seahawks game. I found the pick above just now on their website...Kelly is #46 and is the big, semi-shaved-head guy in upper right quadrant of the picture.

After flying back Monday, they drove 8+ hrs from KC to Little Rock and picked up my sister and nephew along the way. They arrived in Little Rock this morning at 12:45 AM. They have been great support helping Doc and Janet "behind the scenes" as laundry gets done, runs to Wild Oats for fresh fruit for Laura are expedited quickly, and comic relief is instantly available via Owen. Just to clarify, Owen is above right, and Kelly is above left.
My laundry was done...so no need to wear "clean" inside-out boxers. I really need to have my information filter reset.

Laura's movements in the just the last hour have become much more crisp. So cool. He works fast.
Janet is the definition of gentleness and calm, while Doc is talking to people from Scotland to Washington state to keep them informed and praying. Having my family here is like a cherry on top. I am starting to ramble, so I will provide more updates tomorrow.

Rest, Sweet Rest

Thank you for the prayers! Her pain level (on a scale of 1 to 10) has decreased from a 5 to 2 in the past few hours. I can tell a big difference in the annunciation of her words, as she was slurring before. Also, after standing by the side of the bed, she showed great progress in her strength as she put herself back into bed. After some nausea issues earlier, the medication for that and the headache have made her quite comfortable. Aside from periodic requests for ice chips, she is resting peacefully.

I am here for the evening, as they want 24 hour supervision and support the first night out of the higher level recovery area. The RN's have been great. It has been a learning experience to remember to focus on the little details...they make a big difference. I must admit, that is area of weakness for me.

Prayer Request

Continued relief from headache pain and for it to be gone for good when she awakes tomorrow morning. Also, she has yet to be able to eat much, so pray her nausea also disappears and her appetite and ability to hold food down return. We are so grateful for everyone's support and prayers, I cannot put it to words.

Good Night and God Bless You All,


Walking...No Problem

In an effort to gauge progress, they had her walk to the bathroom with my assistance. There was no issue with the left leg at all, and aside from getting nauseous, she did fantastic. She hasn't eaten much of anything in the last day and a half, so she agreed to let me feed her some Griffeth Gourmet Banana Pudding...look for it soon on supermarket shelves in your neighborhood. It is a delicately prepared concoction of mashed banana and....mashed banana. She ate about 5 bites and is drinking a lot more water.

Kind of funny...I discussed with our nurse Laura's gluten allergy and sensitivity to dairy, and that a fruit plate would suffice as a meal. What did they send? Two popsicles and some jello. That's just funny. They have it straightened out now, but how does anyone in a hospital consider that to be a nutritious option? I can't help but laugh.

Since the walk to the bathroom, she has been sleeping soundly aside from the bites of gourmet banana pudding and intermittent sips of water. Continued prayers for relief from her headache are much appreciated. No pain, no pain...

Sitting With Her

I am sitting next to her on the bannister next to her bed. No worries about the scorching midwest heat wave, as my left cheek is on the AC vent. Too much information...you wouldn't believe how great she looks...more color than she has had in weeks, everything is working on her left side, and speaking clearly without any issue. Professor just stopped by to say how brave she was during the MRI, which is really tough on people following brain surgery due to the volume of the mechanism. Best of all, he said the MRI shows they got ALL of the tumor out! Praise His Name!

She is very happy to be able to drink water today as the oxygen mask really dried her mouth out yesterday, which we could tell during our visits. She has yet to have an appetite, but Professor is not worried about that. She is resting now as they gave her some codeine for her headache.

The only lingering issue at this point is her headache, so that makes for a great prayer request. Please pray that the headache disappears for good, allowing her body to focus on recovery in a very comfortable state without pharmaceutical/herbal assistance. I know she would like nothing more than comfort during recovery she can return home soon.

As I sit here in this quiet room with her, I cannot put into words what your prayer, blog comments, and notes do to provide us strength through Him. I am so humbled by this, if for no one else. it is bringing me so close to Him, for without Him, I would be an absolute mess right now. Thanks again, and I will update throughout the day as things progress.

Morning Third Party Update

I spoke with the recovery unit this morning, as the soonest we could see her this morning was 9:00 AM. They were getting her ready for her MRI, which she has yet to return from.

The Good News

She was alert, moving all extremities, talking, and has been released to a regular recovery room! Praise Him! They are calling me as soon as she returns from the MRI so we can visit her for another 10 minutes. As soon as I have more to report, it will hit the blob.

Monday, August 13, 2007

Last Visit of the Night

After going in at 6:30 PM to find her fast to sleep, I chose not to bother her. Instead, it was pretty neat as her blood pressure (first number) dropped from the low 130's to 110 while I was speaking with her nurse. She had also moved her left leg shortly before to get a pillow underneath her!

Doc, Janet and I left to grab some dinner as we were informed we would be allowed to see her again at 8:00 PM for the final visit of the night. Speaking of dinner, I am hoping a Pei Wei comes to Grand Rapids soon, it's a really good younger brother of PF Chang's and has a gluten free menu. I digress...by the time we returned at 8:00, she had moved both her left arm and leg on her own! I have to admit I was very relieved, for loss of motor function was not something I had given enough weight in my mind and prayers. Just as important, she was much more alert! She knew we were there, made eye contact, and tried to communicate verbally. She was trying to communicate, but was too heavily sedated. She was nodding to my questions, and continually giving my hand little squeezes as a way of communicating. It was phenomenal. While it ripped at my heart to have to leave her alone for the night, she was so exhausted the last few minutes (of a total 12 minutes), she couldn't keep her eyes open any longer. She is going to have an MRI tomorrow morning early to confirm they removed all of the tumor, and we will be able to see her again at 9 AM. I can't wait.

The comments on the blog are great, thanks so much for the continued love and support. The hotel we are staying in feels as though there are angels at every corner, as everyone here is here to be treated for something. The little acts of kindness provided by the front desk, shuttle drivers (Lenny is great), and the let alone the sweet people at the hospital make the entire experience one that reflects God's power when people are in need of Him. Love you all,


New Prayer Request

I was able to spend 10 mins. with Laura, while Doc and Janet split the 10 min. allotment. She was responsive to our voices, but in such a deep, out-of-it sleep that she would slip in and out of "it" (I can't really characterize her state accurately, so "it" is going to have to do). Once I moved to her right side, and she heard my voice, she sought out my hand to hold. She provided some good squeezes to let me/us know she knows I/we were there. She looks great, and already has more color than she did the last time I saw her (time seems to be warped today, so I am not sure when that was). To those that know her, you might know that she likes her kisses...and her heartrate literally slowed when I gave her some kisses on her cheek and whispered in her ear before I left...pretty comical.

Prayer Request:

She has yet to move her left side, which is but an observation at this point and has not yet moved to the level of concern. She consistently migrated her eyes and attention toward her right side, so we stayed on that side so she wouldn't think/try too hard. We were told that could create nausea for her. The doctor and nurses were not concerned as it simply takes different people different amounts of time for the hemisphere of the brain operated on to "wake up."

If our prayer force out there would pray that her left side provide the doctors some good feedback, we would be grateful. Due to her medical expertise, I do not want her to overhear us speaking about it and have her start worrying, especially in the cloudy state she is in at this point. She is prone to worrying, and I don't want anything but positive thoughts running through that cute little head. Please pray for full, speedy, painless recovery for all nervous functions. She of all people I know deserves it.

Tales from the Lounge...

UAMS gets a huge thumbs up on making wireless internet available. It is allowing me to expend my energy constructively, as I am pretty hopped up on a potent combination of coffee and Vault (don't tell Laura).

Professor, as Dr. Yasargil prefers to be called, recently stopped by to let us know the CT Scan looked normal. Also, he sees no remnants of the tumor. God rocks.

They just called out to let us visit Laura, gotta run.

Pre-Op Pictures

You can barely see it, but they made a mark on her right temple for good measure...which we all appreciated. No need for a "human" moment at a time like this...

As you can see, Laura's spirits, faith, and confidence were very high going into the surgery.