Thursday, August 16, 2007

What would you do for a Klondike bar?

My fault for the delay in posting, which you will understand a bit later. I stayed with Laura at the hospital last night, and she had a pretty decent night after taking some codeine around midnight. She rested well, and went to the bathroom by herself "so not to bother me"...she got in trouble for that one...but then I didn't wake up for the 2nd time she needed to anyway.... This morning she asked for some fruit, as she was hungry...sweet! She was recently up walking around and it's so neat to see her become alert after getting some food in her. Jean mailed some tasty gluten-free lemon cookies, and she enjoyed some bites of those. Thanks Jean!

Her sense of humor is definitely in tact as she "squeezed the buns" as she likes to put it during a standing hug after her walk. Then, after explaining to Doc the hotel has ice cream treats such as Klondike bars you can buy, she asked, "What would you do for a Klondike bar? Would you get a brain tumor removed?" I can't tell you what it feels like to see her with a smile on and flashing around that sweet personality we all love.

Her headache is pretty rough still, and has to take codeine to put some limits on it, as it hit a 8 out of 10 on the pain scale today. As many of you know, she is not keen on medicines and pain killers. She is being so strong throughout this recovery process, I know I would be whining something awful.

Doc and Janet really stepped up today by being here when I went back to the hotel to rest. The lack of sleep finally caught up with me today. After getting what I thought was a reasonable amount of rest last night, I returned to the hotel this morning to recharge. Even though I didn't feel very tired, Janet and I thought it would be wise to grab a short nap around 8:30/9:00 AM... I woke up at 2:00 PM. I guess my body wanted more sleep than I thought, and since I woke up in the exact position I laid down in, it was much needed. Many friends who have supported family in the hospital have encouraged me to take care of myself, which I especially took to heart so to provide Laura heartful, caring support, not grouchy, tired attendance in her room. My college roommate, Tim, really made a point of this, as he and his wife Kathy had a similar situation a couple of years ago when their then 2 yr old boy, Max, had a tumor/mass removed from his brain. Thanks Tim.

If she is feeling up to it, Laura might post her own entry again tomorrow. She texted Jean a thank you for the cookies, so she is becoming more active and wanting to do a little more all of the time.

She just said that she needs a STAT OMM consult...

Prayer Request

Continue to pray for a speedy, comfortable, pain-free recovery and specifically for the headache to subside. I can't believe I am going to put this on here, but I don't want to miss out on any power of prayer for her...she also needs to "drop the kids off at the pool." She hasn't since the surgery, and they think that might be part of the problem with the headache. Here's to hoping I don't end up in the hospital shortly for posting that...

God bless, and thanks so much for all the love and support everyone has shown.


Anonymous said...

Laura, you have no idea how much I would love to come do your STAT OMM consult. Road trip! I guess I will have to come running to your house the second you get home instead. Keep eating honey! I would gladly share my appetite with you, as I apparently have some to spare...
Chad, glad you got some rest. I know this must be so draining for you and everyone there. We're sending you love, energy and prayers, especially for a, outcome for Laura's intestinal inertia. love, Laura G

Anonymous said...

Miss Laura your husband is truly one of a kind. I cannot imagine any other husband requsting for prayers in such an amuzing way. The visual I had with that is one I will not quickly forget. You two continue to make me laugh and cry with the way you take life as it comes. God is Great! and you guys are too.

Anonymous said...

HA HA! Chad, CJ and I LOVED the "drop the kids off at the pool" comment! What a hoot. All sorts of humorous comments come to mind, which I will spare (if only Paul Scott and CJ were in the same room, along with a pregnant J'Aimee to catch all the jokes...we'd be in trouble!) Tell her not to worry, it'll all COME OUT IN THE END...heh heh heh.


Anonymous said...

I hate to admit it, but I laughed out loud at the "drop the kids off at the pool" comment. I have never heard it put quite that way, but it is very appropriate! All of us who have had surgery know that that is a lovely side-effect! Sorry, Laura!! I'll bet that has a lot to do with your headache. Don't be too mad at Chad for posting it. :) We've all been there...and a little prayer for something like that never hurt!!

Hope your headache goes away soon.

Chad, I'm glad you were able to go get some rest. No one needs a cranky hubby. I'm sure Dr. and Mrs. T held down the fort just fine.

You guys take care! You are constantly in our thoughts and prayers.

Alisha and fam

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear things are getting back to normal. Love the updates and progress notes. Sending lots of prayers and thoughts your way for subsiding headaches and the ability to "release the kids" love you guys.

Anonymous said...

Dr. Tinning,
I have been asking for weeks when wakefields favorite omm doc will be back at work to see him and fix his little baby brain. He misses her. I was told no one was sure when you would be back and that you were gone for personal reasons. I strong armed a few people no names provided and was told about the tumor. I found your blog and wanted to let you know that I am thinking of you and hoping for your quick return to baby wakefield and the rest of your babies at work! I would like to send you something but I dont have your home address and I have read from the blog that is where you would like things to go. I am glad you are doing so well because I was very worried once I had heard. You arent just a physician, but someone that is very loved and someone we look up to in our profession. Hurry back!

Carrie Shearer D.O. (Intern at Muskegon General and Wakefields mom).

Anonymous said...

Fruit! More fruit! If I could do a STAT OMM consult, I'd come over there right this second! Call me on my cell, Chad, and I'll talk you through a little OMT number that might help with that "kids at the pool" issue. It's super easy.

That head pain has to go! I have no doubt that the Lord is in there-right in the moment of that pain with her. I'm reminded of the "Miracle of the Moment"---a song I hear often now that I only listen to WCSG in Laura's name---Chad, you thought I was kidding about NPR!!!

Love you all--so glad you got some rest, Chad. Thanks for your faithfulness and dedication to keeping us updated. Can't wait to read from Princess.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my!!! I first met Laura at Girls' State. I was roaming the halls, asking if anyone had a laxative. Leaving home had left me a bit "constipated." Good 'ole Janet had sent Laura with EVERYTHING she could possibly need for a week away from home, including "CITRAMA." Laura and I still laugh thinking of that first meeting in the hall. I drank the whole bottle. Maybe Laura needs to drink a bottle or two. It did wonders for me. Chad, just in case Laura doesn't read this...please tell her that Jennifer is sending a "Cheers" her way and a long-distance toast from Missouri for the "kids" to drop off at the pool soon!! I'm sure she'll be just fine...we'll all be praying for a timely "BM."

Anonymous said...

"Squeezing the buns" and "dropping off the kids"!! I love it! Back to her old self. For someone who is famous for helping the rest of the world "drop off the kids" in the pool, it's just not fair there's no one there to help HER kids swim...I can't WAIT 'till she reads all these blogs-she will heal instantaneously-they say laughter is the best medicine:) tee hee!

Have you guys tried some dark CHOCOLATE for an appetite stimulant???

Chad, you are doing SO fantastic, hanging in there, keeping us updated, and wisely taking care of sure was crazy the way Tinning decided to marry you in about one nanosecond-but she sure got it right!!!:)

We are going to pray, visualize,and meditate that headache away. We are also praying for a perfect pathology report.

Love you guys very dearly.
DAP, TBO, and Kids

Anonymous said...

I am sad to say I must have been the only one who read the "kids to the pool" comment and didn't understand it the first 4 or 5 times I read it. I kept thinking, "Wow, it Laura thinking she has kids?" But happy to say I finally got it after the 5th time I read it. ;-)

I am meeting my Mom for breakfast this morning so we will be saying very specific prayers for Laura's headache to disappear and for the "kids" to make it to the pool quickly.

Love ya!


Anonymous said...

Chad, so glad to hear all the postivie news. The executive council of the PDG has granted you unlimited dispensation from the monthly meetings, but we will need your CC# for the next breakfast.

Hi Laura, you don't know me, but keep up the positivity...and try drinking a cup of coffee and a danish, it works for me

Anonymous said...

Chad and Laura, I am estatic to read how God has been at work in your lives! You can "taste" it now, can't ya, Chad!!! =) Today is the first I've been back to school and able to read your blog. What a delight!!! Both of you are a tremendous blessing and an amazing witness to His love and POWER...and sense of humor!!! The Barretts are continuing in prayer for complete healing of even the tiniest details, Laura! You'll need every detail healthy in order to keep that sweetie of yours in line!!! Just jokin'! I'm so proud of you, Chad, I'm almost in tears!!!

Prayers continuing!!!
Charli B.

Anonymous said...

I have been cracking up over the Klondike Bar joke since I heard it - that is hilarious! So good to hear that she is cracking jokes.
Love, Jess

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well today and that Laura's headaches have gotten a litle better. Looking forward to seeing the latest and greatest on LaLa and "the kids".