Monday, October 29, 2007

Machine Broken today

I went in for radiation this morning and the machine was not behaving...they said they couldn't get the pulse-dose consistent and that it wasn't safe to get a tratment. We definitely want it safe! That means I won't finish on Navember 15, but November 16 will be my last treatment. Good timing because I have a group of friends from medical school coming in that weekend and we will be able to celebrate the END of radiation. Yippee!!

I feel so blessed everyday in how God has carried me through this time. Very rarely have headaches...unless I get too stimulated, have had no seizures since surgery (please continue to pray that I never have another), nausea is better. I'm starting to lose more hair, so pray that stops...I need it on my head to keep me warm. Thankfully I had lots of thick hair to start with. Praise God for that! I'm chosing to look at all the blessings I've had through this time. It could have been a lot different.

Chad had a "suprise" birthday party for me on Saturday. I figured it out, but still a suprise in many respects. It was lots of fun, but took a long nap after. Mom came in and made me the cake she always did when we were kids...except in gluten-free form. Delicious!

Have a great day, everyone. Thanks for checking in on us. This is the fancy machine that keeps breaking...and what it looks like when they put me in my mask. I had no idea until I was a patient.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halfway Done!

Today was the hump day for radiation. I've had 17 treatments and 16 more to go! Yippee! The end is in sight. I'm putting some weight back on which makes the doctors happy, not me. I had lost quite a bit from the surgery, so I know I need to stay healthy. I'm currently drinking one of the recommended high-calorie smoothies with a little modification--soymilk, banana, rasberries, flaxseed oil, ground flax meal. Quite tasty, actually. The oils are good for the noggin.

Not many bad radiation side effects. Noticing some significant hair loss, but to be expected. The nausea is getting much better. I've had a return of some headaches...not terrible...I can definitely deal with them.

Thank you for your continued prayers!

Monday, October 22, 2007

Jib Jab video

Star in Your Own JibJab! It's Free!
These are cracking me up! I had to put one in...and I'm sure I'll add more because they are too funny!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Driving Home

We spent the weekend in Detroit...Saturday with Jean and the boys and Sunday with Neethi, Jayesh, and baby Shaan. They had a "cradle ceremony" for Shaan today, something traditional in their culture. There was a cradle involved, but my understanding of it was it was the "official naming ceremony for Shaan and a ceremony to bless him that he will be strong and no ill will come to him. I may be totally off, but if I am, I'm sure Neethi will let me know!

I just thought it was neat because Chad got one of those Wi-Fi cards fpr work, and I can be on the internet whil he's driving. We are still on our way home from Detroit. It's 10pm, so it'll be a late night and a very early morning with radiation at 7:36am. Good thing I got a nap at Neethi's parents' today.

So I guess the latest is I'm going to attempt to start working my way back toward work a little. I will have to start with my babies at the hosptial--as directed by my neurosurgeon...and only a half day a week at first. I will be seeing the employee health doc tomorrow, which is the start of the process. I will keep you posted on my progress.

Please continue to pray for complete healing, not more nausea, no more seizures ever! And no need for chemo ever!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Big News!!

Laura and I went to the University of Michigan hospital to meet with her neuro-oncologist this afternoon. The goal of the appointment was to discuss and learn more about options relating to chemo and her recommendation for treatment. To make a long story short, after taking into account Laura's situation:
  • Young
  • Total resection (removal of tumor)
  • Mostly Grade 2 (benign) with spot of Grade 3 (beginning malignancy)
  • Chemo's affect on this type of tumor...

...the doctor recommended that we monitor through MRI scans before jumping into chemo! In other words...NO CHEMO! There has not be any definitive proof of chemo's improvement on this type of tumor and is more than anything a safety measure for tumors with Grade 3.

If the tumor had not been removed, it would be a different story. If the tumor was a Grade 3 with spots of Grade 4 (worse), it would be a different story. If Laura had this happen later in life, it would be a different story. All in all, once the radiation treatments are finished on November 15th, we will officially be "on the other side" of this experience. Praise God!

We are obviously very excited and relieved to learn of this, and the doctor was fantastic to work with throughout the time today. It is such a relief, though it is incumbent on us taking care of ourselves (I am in this too), meaning we are back on the vegan train to make sure there is only natural stuff going into her system due to the studies of the effect of food on cancer. Happy to do it.

Friday, October 12, 2007

2 days off!

So after the machine was down yesterday, they had it up and running this morning for my early 7:36am treatment. That missed treatment yesterday means we have to tack a treatment onto the we want the machine to run properly so I can get these over with. I am happy for a weekend to have 2 days without treatment and to be able to sleep in a little.

Still battling the nausea. Getting a little better, but still problematic. I'm taking plenty of compazine, which still sometimes doesn't help. Keep praying for that to go away and for my total healing. I'm not planning on having chemo. They would have to really convince me and I don't think that will happen. Total healing is the only option. The Professor told me he got it all and I am convinced that my healthy diet with some alternative treatments will take care of it with the radiation. When I'm getting radiation, I'm picturing that space invaders video game killing any last tumor cell that might possibly be there. Thanks for your prayers. Love,

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Treatment cancelled today

I went in at 7:15am for my radiation and the machine was broken. I met with a nutritionist, then went back home not knowing if they'd fix the machine and call me back or not. They called me to say that all patients on that machine ar canceled for today. Skipping a day is not a big deal...which is why we can not have radiation on sat/sun. This just gives my normal healthy brain cells an extra day to recoupe. That's all that's going on here. I'm determined to go strictly back to my vegan ways...carrot juice, etc, for those of you that were with me to experience it in medical school. Keep praying! Total healing is the only end to this journey. Love,


Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hopefully a working calendar!

Appointment cancelled

We will get that calendar working! But I need Chad's help to get it right! I'm waiting for him to come home and get me to go to radiation. Just so no one calls and asks about my appointment was cancelled/rescheduled. She got stuck in Memphis so the appt was moved til next week. That's the latest. Keep praying! Love,

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Appointment with neuro-oncologist today

We have an appointment with the neuro-oncologist at U of M at 3:15pm today. Please pray for us. Her nurse had called a couple of weeks ago and said that Dr. Rogers wanted me to do radiation alone first, the do chemo after radiation. I asked for this appt. today to discuss options and prognosis with or without chemo. Please pray that she doesn't really think we need to do chemo, and pray that it that is what we have to do that God gives us a peace about it. It would mean a long month ahead of fertility stuff before chemo would start. I still know God is healing me. I am healed! I claim it every day.

Radiation is going problems with it, so I can't complain. No more need for any pain meds for headaches, praise God! Our prayer still stays the same: my total healing without any further treatment. Thsnk you to all of you, my friends and family, for staying with me through this adventure and growth period. Love,


Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Prayer Request

Radiation is going well so far. I have a prayer request, though, I have been experiencing more nausea. I don't think it is related to radiation, as I had it the week before, but please pray for it affects my appetite too. Otherwise we're doing well...headaches are much better. And, of course, still praying for total healing and no need for chemo.

Chad hasn't worked out the calendar yet, so don't think you can view it on the blog yet. We'll post when it's up and running. Thanks to all.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Day 2 of Radiation

I have been on sabbatical from the blog for a while, but now that I am back in a hospital, I thought it would be a great time to catch up with everyone. It's such a blessing to know that the recommended treatment for Laura's radiation (IMRT) is not only available in Grand Rapids, but Lack's Cancer Center actually offers the next generation of the treatment (IGRT...I think). The difference is that IMRT focuses radiation on the area surrounding the former tumor within a centimeter, while IGRT can target within a millimeter or two. Grab a ruler and you will be as amazed as I am that this is so precise...therefore, in my own mind, that means that since less normal tissue is being radiated, there is less likelihood for Laura to experience any side effects such as fatigue, nausea, and whatever else could be affected by radiation hitting your brain...which is difficult for me to wrap my head around.

Laura is out already, it only takes about 30 mins as they run a CT scan before every treatment to ensure they are hitting the appropriate target. Still, 30 mins is not long when you have wireless and a great little coffee shop by the entrance. We are so blessed to live in Grand Rapids, where so many have shared their wealth to bring top flight health care to our backyard.

Laura's comment coming out..."Am I glowing?" Funny girl she is. Lack's is really nice, even free valet parking for radiation patients. Yesterday was Day 1 of 33 straight days of radiation, which she has yet to feel anything from, aside from "a little tickling as if there was a little animal running around up there." Only Laura.

That being said, so many have asked how they can help and we now have something that will require some help. Laura can't drive, but needs to be driven to and from Lack's on a daily basis until Nov. 7th. On as many days as I can, I will take care of it. However, with juggling the business and this, there will be days that will not allow me to take her. I am going to attempt to attach a Google calendar for people to see and volunteer for the times of the appointments, and we would welcome the help. The only catch is that her appointments will be at 7:36 every morning starting next week. Therefore, there will likely be mornings where I can drop her off but cannot stay, so she will need picked up. Did I mention the great little coffee shop at the entrance? Feel free to call Laura on her cell if you would like to volunteer for any days. Thanks in advance to everyone that pitches in, we are blessed to have so many generous friends.