Monday, November 19, 2007


As I walked into the wonderful facility that is Lack's Cancer Center for Laura's final treatment, I was overwhelmed with thanksgiving knowing that we are reaching the end of this journey. To think that 6.5 months ago, I can distinctly see Laura sitting across from me asking for me to help her, but having no idea what she was talking about. That was her first episode. The whirlwind of events that have taken place since provide such perspective, it is almost too much to absorb.

First, God is a loving and faithful father, being there whenever you need Him. A friend of mine mentioned that the intimacy that we experienced with Him while in Arkansas must have been extraordinary, to say the very least. He was right. It was so powerful, that I cannot put it into words. Ever since, he has been there with peace and serenity whenever we called on Him.

Second, the power of family and friendship and all the love and support so many of you have provided over the past months is truly humbling. Personally, I have been guilty of not giving these relationships the weight and appreciation they deserve, and I pray that changes from this point going forward throughout the remainder of our lives. Understanding and supportive family, friends tripping over themselves to do whatever they can, it's been amazing.

Finally, I feel so blessed to know that Laura is going to walk out of the treatment room in a few moments, and she will not have any more treatments to incur. She has been so strong and faithful throughout this time, I have been so proud. You see, we have always joked that she is a delicate princess, but the day we arrived home from the hospital after finding out about the tumor, I held her in our living room while she was crying. God put it on my heart to change her perspective, that she is a strong princess, with a delicate head. Those that have supported us throughout this process can testify that she took that to heart.

Therefore, I am thankful for family, friends, health, healthcare, the Lord's love and faithfulness, prayer, and pain. Without it all, we would not be where we are now. Thank you all for all you have done, whether it be a silent prayer while you are in the middle of something else, or breaking into our house to mow the lawn awaiting for the police to arrive. We love you all and know you have been a reflection of His love throughout this time. I/we could not have gotten through this without you.

God Bless You All,


Thursday, November 15, 2007

The Final Stretch

Though this journey has been anything but easy, it has shown me what a wonderful God we have and how blessed I am with my family and friends. If it was possible, I have fallen more in love with my husband and have a greater respect for his strength. He has stood by me through every rough day, every symptom, every tear. We will certainly be celebrating on Monday morning!

At times the frustration gets to me with the continuing symptoms of nausea, dizziness, fatigue, etc. My mom reminded my of one of my favorite verses since I was a child, which is very fitting right now: Isaiah 40:31 "But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength. They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." I am continuing to wait on Him and continuing to have faith for my complete healing. We are in the final stretch and will continue to keep you posted. Thank you all for your continued support and prayers.

Better Day

Friends and Family, Near and Far,

Thank you all for the notes and prayers, they were felt. Laura started feeling better yesterday afternoon following a big dose of prayer and a new nausea medicine. She is doing well today, taking good naps and excited there are only two treatments left. Monday at 9 AM will be a happy time, no doubt. Thank you all for your support, it means so much.

God Bless,


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Prayer Request

The cumulative effect of incrementally increased dosages of radiation is starting to rear its ugly head as we head down the home stretch of Laura's treatments. Barring any issues with the machine today, she is already finished for the day and has only 3 treatments left. That being said, the dizziness was worse this morning and was accompanied by its evil brother nausea.

If you could say a prayer for Laura to receive healing, comfort, and peace during these next few days, I would be grateful. It is difficult watching your wife feel so bad it brings her to tears as it did this morning. It's a helpless feeling, wishing I could shoulder that burden if even for a short while until the treatments are finished. Laura has been so strong throughout this process, a testiment to her faith in God. Thank you all for your prayers, support, and acts of service throughout this time. God has shown himself through so many people in our lives, even those I/we don't know, that it humbles me to the core when I allow myself to take it all in.

God bless you all,


Sunday, November 4, 2007

A bump in the Road

I almost had this post done, hit something on the computer, and lost it! The good news is that I was given the OK to drive last week! Yippee, freedom! I even tried to work a little. I overdid it a little, but it felt great to not be home on the couch. Unfortunately, now I'm back home on the couch. I woke up yesterday with such bad dizziness I could barely walk a straight line to the bathroom. It persisted throughout the day, so I called my docs last night. One of the side effects from radiation is irritation in the ear canal, sometimes to a point where it swells shut. I have quite a bit of irritation, itching and some swelling, so the doc put me on some eardrops to help with that. I spoke with my radiation doc about whether the radiation can also irritate my inner ear and cause dizziness/vertigo. He said it's not typical, but doesn't mean it can't happen. My primary doc put me on some medicine for vertigo. I woke up this AM feeling a little less dizzy, but it came back within an hour of being awake. I've spent most of the day on the couch, and we are unsure what the cause is. It's also possible it's a medication side effect. We are having a difficult time getting my seizure medicine at the right level. We are considering changing meds.

All that being said, please pray for my dizziness to resolve. I am obviously unable to drive when I can't turn my head without getting dizzy. Also pray that my meds get straightened around. The more I'm on, the more possible side effects. For those who know me, you know I used to not even like taking Tylenol or Motrin for a headache. This has been a big change for me to have to carry pill bottles around with me everywhere.

Sorry there wasn't more good news for this post. I am in the last 1/3 of my radiation treatments! That's something positive!