Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Prayer Request

The cumulative effect of incrementally increased dosages of radiation is starting to rear its ugly head as we head down the home stretch of Laura's treatments. Barring any issues with the machine today, she is already finished for the day and has only 3 treatments left. That being said, the dizziness was worse this morning and was accompanied by its evil brother nausea.

If you could say a prayer for Laura to receive healing, comfort, and peace during these next few days, I would be grateful. It is difficult watching your wife feel so bad it brings her to tears as it did this morning. It's a helpless feeling, wishing I could shoulder that burden if even for a short while until the treatments are finished. Laura has been so strong throughout this process, a testiment to her faith in God. Thank you all for your prayers, support, and acts of service throughout this time. God has shown himself through so many people in our lives, even those I/we don't know, that it humbles me to the core when I allow myself to take it all in.

God bless you all,


1 comment:

Bonnie said...

Dear Father I lift up before Your throne my brother and sister in Christ, Chad and Laura. Father for Chad I pray that You would give his mind peace, the kind of peace that goes past all human intellect and understanding..I pray this peace would sustain him and that Your love would ooze out through His hands and arms as he ministers to his wife.
Father I lift up Laura to You and ask that You would take her vertigo away. You can calm the storm, You can part the Red Sea and have the Hebrews walk on dry land and You can heal..we ask humbly, knowing full well Your ways are the best for Laura.
We love You, we believe You and we trust You..
In Jesus' name,
Bonnie Z. (Bonzo)