Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Halfway Done!

Today was the hump day for radiation. I've had 17 treatments and 16 more to go! Yippee! The end is in sight. I'm putting some weight back on which makes the doctors happy, not me. I had lost quite a bit from the surgery, so I know I need to stay healthy. I'm currently drinking one of the recommended high-calorie smoothies with a little modification--soymilk, banana, rasberries, flaxseed oil, ground flax meal. Quite tasty, actually. The oils are good for the noggin.

Not many bad radiation side effects. Noticing some significant hair loss, but to be expected. The nausea is getting much better. I've had a return of some headaches...not terrible...I can definitely deal with them.

Thank you for your continued prayers!


Anonymous said...

YEAH! Half way done!! As usual - thinking of you!!


Fast Weight Loss Diet said...

Laura & Chad,
We have been following your blog for the last week, trying to "catch up" with what has been happening. What a journey! Congrats on the recent GREAT news of no chemo....but my favorite post has been the Jib Jab video. Just makes me laugh out loud! We are thinking of you both and sending healing thoughts your way. Unfortunately, we are following another blog this week of another friend with a brain tumor, but luckily all is going well there too. Know we think of you both every day!
Sarah, Andy, Brandon & Megan Blake

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you're feeling good. I am still praying and checking your blog daily. I love the updates. I just found out a friend I went all through grade school with has a brain tumor. I've offered for her family to contact you and get some advice.

Love ya,