Friday, August 10, 2007

Quick Update

I am sending a quick update in between tests today. They have a room for patients with computers that we decided to take advantage of while we wait for my 11am Speech Pathology appointment. I feel like I'm going in for an IQ test like in 6th grade! I hope I pass! ;) We have been at the hospital/clinic since 7:45 this morning and will be finished with today's testing just before 6pm. Everything is going sooo well. They operate very efficiently around here and the southern hospitality is very true!

I can't tell you enough how much all of your notes of encouragement and prayer mean to us!! Please keep sending me your favorite scriptures because they always seem to be just what I need to hear...God has a way of doing that doesn't He? Would anyone be suprised that in the shower this morning all that was going through my head was, "Wow! It really is a peace that passes all understanding", and then 2 of you wrote that back to us in your comments. God is mighty and amazing and knows exactly what we need through every step.

Did you hear they say they don't need to completely shave my head?! So those of my crazy friends out there that were going to shave your heads with me...DON"T! The Dr. said he would shave a stripe above my right ear and that my hair should cover it. Still may have so hip hats and scarves...especially if I can't wash my hair for awhile!

Ok, gotta run off to speech pathology! Will post more later. Love you all!


Anonymous said...

Laura and Chad, I can't tell you how glad I am that this is all going so smoothly for you and that you are at such peace with it all. It is so obvious that you are being cradled in the palm of God's wonderful hand. Ian sends his good wishes, Badger says "Go Spartans" and the pool will be waiting for you when you get back. I'll just have to post a guard at the diving board to keep you off! Much love to you both and your families. Laura G

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,
Glad to hear your day of tests is going well so far. You are being so positive throughout this whole ordeal. Your mom and I were just talking about positive speech and how it can affect our entire being. I know you are being positive and I know you will heal. I can't wait to hear that the surgeon was able to get the whole tumor out and you are recovering. Praise God that this is all working out so quickly for you. I'm setting my alarm early on Monday to start praying for you all day!!

Phillippians 4:4-7 Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Love you!

Anonymous said...

I am SO glad you don't have to shave your head but I will keep the adorable scarf I found for you at Nordstrom's for "the memory". It's very "you". I love you LaLa.
Little P

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear you can't experience the G.I. Jane look....I knew you always wanted to see what you looked like with short hair....

I'm so relieved that all these events have happened so quickly...and the surgeon sounds AMAZING! (only a 4-5 inch incision?! Whoa.)

CJ and I talk and think about you and your journey every day. I must admit, God is working through this experience for everyone. My feelings of fear and sadness for you have been replaced by peace and joy because you are going to be healed!

We love you,
Lara, CJ, Owen, and Emery

Anonymous said...


Please know you and Chad are in my thoughts and prayers. It sounds very positive so far. Please let me know if I can be of any help.



Anonymous said...

Konnichiwa Laura,
I just returned from a vacation in Japan and got a call from Laura G. today telling me of your news. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. I am so glad your experience down there is going well. While in Japan, I saw many of our old friends from MTC. Many asked about you and the others at MSU. I will pass along the news to Ryoji and Yumiko so they can send positive energy and prayers from Japan for you as well. I have some amazing pictures from a temple in Japan that proves God's love is all around us even when we can't see it with the naked eye. I can't wait to show you.
Love and Peace to you and yours!!
Lori D.

Anonymous said...

Laura, I received an e-mail from J'Aimee today letting me know what you have been going through. My initial reaction was "How could something like this happen to such a wonderful person like you." After reading all the posting I felt somewhat better knowing that God is watching out for you both, he is making things happen quickly, you have gotten positive results thus far and that your strong faith is getting you both through this.
Please know that we will be praying for you and Chad from now until you are fully recovered.
Kristopher wanted me to tell you that even if you have to get your head shaved you will still be a "SMOKIN' HOT BABE!" and that he would still fight Chad for you. (Know that he said this with a HUGE smile on his face)
Stay positive and know that we believe you will make it through this journey because you are such a loving and caring person and you have touched so many people and you have so many more to touch and heal.
Lots of love,prayers, and warm wishes from...Ann, Keith, Kristopher, and Richard

Anonymous said...

lots of love to you and chad!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura and Chad,
At Vacation Bible School the kids made "Prayer Bears" to keep on their beds to remind them to pray at night before they fall asleep. Laura, they have been praying for you. Thanking God that He has placed His Ministering Angles around you and Chad. One of God's many promises to us from Isaiah 26:3 is "You WILL keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You." His perfect peace is amazing and our God is an Awesome God!!! We will be lifting you both and the Doctors up to HIM throughout this weekend and on Monday. Thank you for taking the time to keep us all posted on what is going on. In HIS love, Bruce, Julie, Ingrid, Brevin and Svea

Anonymous said...

Laura & Chad -

Please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Your strength and courage are such an inspiration to us all. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Love you -
Kim Clingman Heise

Anonymous said...

It's Saturday morning and I hope you had a chance to sleep in after what I am sure was a very long day yesterday. I pray that your MRI today shows your surgeon everything he needs to guide his hands on Monday. He sounds absolutely wonderful. I wonder if he knows what a special person he will be helping, and all the prayers that we are all sending that God is with him and you on Monday. That will be one holy operating room!!!

A certain Breton triplet I know (there aren't many, you know...) pointed out yesterday that your faithful adherence to God's plan for you and your strength in fighting anxiety and fear has been an inspiration to so many people; in your very humble way of approaching this situation, you are bringing people closer to God.

Love to you and Chad today. People were asking if there's an address down there where we can send cards during your time in Arkansas. We want to stay in touch with our Princess!

Love ya-
The Pea

Anonymous said...

By the way, I read Dr. Yasargil's CV online. I thought Chad was exaggerating when he said "neurosurgeon of the century", but no, it's true! And in addition, as if that were not enough, he's also the "Man of the Century"!!! I think I might nominate Chad for that title for all the love and total dedication he has for you! J'A

Anonymous said...

You have such beautiful hair. I am so glad you get to keep most of it. Just another way God is showing his love.

Much love to you and Chad,
Elaine Fedewa

Anonymous said...

I Have no idea hgow a blog works, I think. I feel I may have submitted my comment twice, trying to remember what I wrote the first time verbatim the second time..! Definitely need to sleep. Meanwhile, with all the prayers, Tinning's tumor is going to remove itself! And maybe it'll even turn into chocolate! And -well, anyway...thinking of you constantly till we hear from you:)DAP