Monday, August 13, 2007

So Sleepy...

Dr. Yasargil came to reassure us the surgery went very well and she is doing fine. Some patients react to the anesthesia differently, and she is in a deep sleep. They took me back to see her, and she looks great. They asked me to speak with her to see if she would snap out of the sleep, and she raised her eyelids about half way, but was too tired to wake up. She did the same thing again when the nurse said I was there to see her. They are not concerned, but are going to run a CT scan for good measure to make sure everything is working the way it should.

Doc quickly informed me upon return that the Tinning family has historically reacted strongly to anesthesia, so she is likely just sleeping it off. For those of you that know Laura (and the rest of the Tinning's for that matter), know her to be a light-weight with cocktails, so why would this be any different? What she was given was a heck of a lot stronger than a margarita.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So thankful to hear everything went well! God is GREAT! Can't wait to hear your cheerful voice!
