Thursday, August 23, 2007

Home Sweet Home

To the surprise of many, we landed very easily in GR despite the storm. We immediately went to spend our gift certificate at Bonefish with Bruce (picked us up from airport) to celebrate coming home, while Laura was sporting off her scar. She was very hungry on the plane, as we realized that we hadn't eaten since breakfast and had no time on our layover in Memphis after being delayed sitting on the tar mack in Little Rock in 103 heat with no AC...not cool. I cannot WAIT to hear the story from Nicole as to why the police were in our drive when Bruce stopped by the house to pick up our car to pick us up...and speaking of Nicole, what the heck are you doing mowing our lawn? Thanks, that is too much. Carrie, flowers all over the place (nice touch on the card, how much do I owe you for the rose?) and an immaculate house...we don't even know what to say.

Funny stuff...Laura fell asleep in the plane with some water still in her mouth and woke up when it spilled down her shirt....and then asked me tonight what time I wanted to go to church tomorrow morning...then repeated the question three times as I wasn't sure I was hearing her right. Laura didn't even bother taking off her doctor-recommended white support hose to eat at Bonefish...she was THAT hungry....and a little stoned on meds.

Just to prepare those who visit, Laura's face is a little weak on the left side, so her smile mostly exists on her right side. She can smile symmetrically, but she has to think about it. Nothing to worry about per the Professor, it is the ONLY sign of weakness her entire body has shown, quite a miracle. I think Bruce was having the same issue I have had with her looking like she went off on a vacation and came back with a scar instead of a tattoo.

If people are planning on asking a lot of life question, be prepared for us not having a lot of answers. The fact that two weeks have passed in minutes, and Laura is laying next to me...catching flies with her mouth wide open no a miracle that can only be understood by the big guy Himself. Frankly, neither of us can wrap our heads around it, as none of it seems real...we can't even believe it was two weeks ago today that we were flying out! The one lesson I can say that I hope to learn from is the power of friendship. I can't say I have been a great friend to a lot of people in my life, and you all have shown me what it means to be one. Your love, support, and care you have shown Laura throughout the last month has been awe inspiring. I could only hope to be the kind of friend that so many of you have shown to be to Laura. God bless you all.

By the way, her headache got a lot better today aside from the altitude changes in the plane, so hopefully the body chemistry change after last night took hold.


Anonymous said...

Welcome home, dear ones-

Linda said...

Another kowabunga, new woman moment! Boy can I relate! All I can think of is in the movie "Bruce Almighty", when Bruce runs into the punks in the alley who had beat him up. Good thing is, her "monkey" doesn't have to go home! So glad to know that you are comfortable back at home. When you are ready for visitors let us know. We would love to see you. Do you need more juice? I believe a special delivery is in order. We need to keep the monkeys arriving!

All our Love, Linda and Greg

Anonymous said...

Laura and Chad,

It is great to have you back in Michigan (even if you are on the other side of the state from me)! Please know we (near and far) are giving you a great big hug all day and night long. Happy healing!

Love and Peace,
Lori D.

Unknown said...

Glad you guys are home safe. Can't wait to meet Laura when she is recovered.

Anonymous said...

WELCOME HOME! I am so happy you were able to land, I was worried w/ that storm. What a praise report that her headache is better! Please continue letting Laura's adoring fans know what to pray for specifically. Just want you to know that you both are loved so very much. Hope to see you soon!


Anonymous said...

Chad, this gives new meaning to the phrase "getting a monkey off one's back." Laura, I sent you a text last night but my phone says "receipt pending." The gist is, please let me know what you need, to be treated, left alone or if you're having a Beaner's craving. Soooooo happy you're home where we can take care of you. Love Laura G

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you made it home. Sleeping in your own bed is the best thing ever!! Talk to you both soon!


Anonymous said...

Great to have you both home:) I may be able to sneak over today for a quick hug-we'll keep the kids away for a while,though, so they don't leap all over everybody and everything while you're recouperating:)

Never mind what you're going to do with your life next. I'd say your current message is that you are meant to stop, sit, relax, breathe, and just feel the joy of peace, friends, being alive, and the gift of time out. In fact, enjoy your break, because I am quite sure the Lord is no where near done with either of you, and when it's time, you'll find yourselves deep in the craziness of the next venture!

Truthfully, it's easier to be a great friend in times of trauma. It's the day to day life where it takes an effort to be a friend in the middle of a normal, hectic, packed, tiring schedule. I just want you to know that we feel you have been a TERRIFIC friend to us, without any huge trauma (dying cat's and NG tubes not withstanding)in quiet but meaningful ways, like a chai tea here and a bag of chocolate there, and supportive and encouraging words all through the year,sitting together at events, agreeing to be a godfather, throwing our kids into the air...We think you are a fantastic friend:)

Love, DAP et al

Anonymous said...

Happy to hear that you're back home. Prayers are continuing, you can rely on that. I've asked my grown kids to pray for you too. Love, Marlene Harvey