Thursday, August 2, 2007

The lumbar puncture

Chad very willingly wanted to add all the posts to the blog; however, I managed to sweet talk him into letting me write something now and then to help pass some time at home...and save him from more time on the computer after working all day.

Today Chad took me into the hospital for the lumbar puncture at about 9am. After they checked me out, they decided I was a little too "with it" after taking something to relax me for the procedure. They decided to give me another 2 doses of what I had already taken! Let's just say...they told me not to sign any important documents today! I know Chad brought me to the hospital, but Chad disappeared (I'm sure I slurred goodbye to him) and my mom was then by my bedside to wait out the 3 hours until I could come home. I had to lay on my back for 3 hours to make it less likely that I would get a "post-tap" headache (i.e. a slow leak of spinal fluid through the hole from the tap, which causes a headache from diminished amounts of spinal fluid), which I unfortunately got after my last tap 6 years ago. The good news from the tap is that I have no increased pressure in my head and that the fluid "looked" normal (clear). Praise God for that! We will be waiting for test results from many tests in the upcoming weeks, and we are praying for them all to be completely normal.

Most of the day was a blur. The meds they gave me knocked me out and I slept most of the afternoon away...I can't complain about that. My back's a little sore and I have a headache if I sit up too long, so pray that that will go away quickly. I'm being good and typing lying on my back right now.

Visitors today

My mom, sister Jean, and her boys Benny and Jake are still here with us to keep me sane while Chad is busy at work. I am very blessed to have their help, as I will be laying on my favorite couch for much of the next 48 hours.
My friend Liza came over when I got back from the hospital and hooked me up to an IV of fluids to hopefully hydrate me enough to prevent a headache. Kevin, my friend and a resident who was supposed to be rotating with me this month, came over to work on my back after being in funny positions for the spinal tap.
Our friends from church, Nicole and Eric, came over with their little man Gibson and brought some yummy dinner! Thank goodness I had an appetite tonight. It was awesome you guys, thanks! We visited for awhile, but I wasn't great company on the couch!


I am doing well and I believe Chad is too. We appreciate all the prayers and know they are all felt! I praise God for the peace and comfort He is giving us through this. Pray for Chad as he continues to have to work with the added stress that this has brought. Pray for wisdom with upcoming decisions, many NEGATIVE test results, no more of my "episodes", and most of all for total and complete HEALING. I am speaking God's Word daily and know He will use this situation to bring glory to His kingdom. Thank you all for your thoughts, prayers, flowers, cards, visits, meals, etc. We appreciate all of you so very much.


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