Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Good News

Due to assistance from our friends in the medical community, we were able to get some information from one of Fred's (Laura's father) medical students who is now a neuro surgeon here in Grand Rapids. After he heard of Laura's episodes and tests, he spoke with some neuro radiologists that provided some good news. In their opinion, the MRI looks more like an astrocytoma tumor (benign) than demyelination (MS). Nothing is definitive, but we are excited about the opinions. However, we have yet to have a direct consultation with a neuro radiologist or neuro surgeon, but hope to soon after receiving the results of the tests being run. The next test, a lumbar puncture, will take place tomorrow morning. We would welcome prayers of quick recovery and no leaks. We are unsure when we will receive the test results, but hope to soon.

Ben has been in rare form, providing constant comic relief. Little Jake is running for poster child baby of the century...the unique combination of fun, cute, and relaxed...aside from cracking up over Ben's antics. I haven't been home much today, but the house is the same color, so Janet must have found something to occupy herself with inside. Jean has been a jewel of support, providing invaluable conversation, companionship, and entertainment for Laura while I fulfill my responsibilities at work.

Laura and I are so grateful for the prayers by so many friends. Be assured they are felt. There is a peace that envelopes our home, thoughts and hearts. The love shown by so many is humbling and powerful. So many things at this point are difficult to put into words, so we simply take on each day hoping to fulfill God's will during this temporary challenge.

God Bless,



Anonymous said...

This is great and encouraging news. We'll continue to pray for Laura to do well with her tests tomorrow. Thanks so much for keeping all of us informed through your blog. I'll give Laura a call today. Chad, you're the best!! Thank you for being such a wonderful, supporting husband to Laura.
Jennifer & Crew

Anonymous said...


Our thoughts & prayers are headed your way. Thank you for sharing the news and updates. We're praying that positive news/results continue for Laura, and also for the strength and calm that is needed during times like these.

Greg & Kim