Friday, August 3, 2007

Today's Praises

I have spent the day flat on my back, because I unfortunately woke up with a headache...which can be an after-effect of the lumbar puncture. However, it seems to be improving as the day goes on, and I am very thankful for that!

Chad got off the phone with my doctor this evening, and so far we have good news! The spinal fluid looked good with the preliminary tests. There are no signs of malignancy (i.e. bad cancer) in the spinal fluid, but the definitive studies for MS will take a couple of weeks to get back. So keep praying that those come back totally normal. My evoked potential was completely normal...which suprised them since I had one of my "episodes" during the exam. That test being negative makes it less likely that it's MS. Another neuroradiologist in Detroit looked at my MRI (thanks Neets!), and he agrees with the others that it looks like a benign glioma (i.e. primary tumor). My other blood tests should be coming back next week, and we are praying for everything to come back normal.

That's the latest as of today. We will probably be scheduling a consult with a neurosurgeon in town to talk about options and where the best place is to go if it comes down to biopsy/surgery.


Please pray for complete and total healing, for faith and peace for Chad and I (and my family), for no more "episodes", and for wisdom with the upcoming decisions we have to make.

We praise God for a day of good news and a diminishing headache!



Becky said...

Laura, my thoughts and prayers are with you right now. I will check the blog every day. Thanks for the updates! Keep up with the positive thoughts, we are all routing for you and your family.

Bonnie said...

I will bless the Lord at all times, His praise shall be continually in my mouth..Ps.34:1
Laura, Tim and I are praying for you and Chad. I am specifically praying you will both be aware of His precious, comforting presence.
Keep looking for the praises, for His hand and trust Him with all that is in you.
He is faithful,
Bonnie Zowada, aka, Bonzo