Friday, August 24, 2007

Ahhh OMM!!

It's so nice to be home! Patients just don't get good rest in the hospital! I went to one of my clinics today to get treated. Oh, how I needed that! Thanks Laura and Kevin! I feel much better! One of my friends had to drive me around today since I'm not allowed to drive. It's hard to be dependent on people. But boy how it helps to have great friends who will do anything for you! It was great to see everybody today! It was nice to get out of the house. I need to get out more and walk more--Dr's orders. He wants me to walk a couple of miles a day. If I'm not walking enough I have to wear the support hose. I know which I'd rather do!

I have some of my best friends in the world coming to see me in the next couple of weeks and I am so excited!! Thanks you guys! It makes Chad feel better to have someone with me at home...he doesn't like me here by myself, but there's not much we can do about that...and he has to work and I'm not allowed to yet.

For those of you wondering what the next step is...that will be radiation starting the first week of September. The Professor said no chemo...just radiation, that we will be able to do here in Grand Rpids, thankfully. Also, I will remain on seizure medicine for at least 6 months until they start to try to wean me off of that

The headache is continuing to get better; however, I still need quite a bit of pain medicine, which I'd just as soon not take. Thank you for the continued prayers for no more headaches or seizures, for the ucoming radiation--that it gets every last nasty cell that may be lingering in there, for my incision to heal quickly so I can shower and wash my own hair...those little things we take for granted!

Thank you to everyone who has been sending beautiful things to the house--flowers, edible arrangements, etc. It's all wonderful! Keri, Denise gave me a hug from you today! I would welcome visitors anytime...just call first so you know I'm home...though odds are good I will be! Love you all,


Anonymous said...

It's so good to hear from you Superstar! I really want to come visit, maybe sometime next week if you feel like it? I will leave the boys w/ Mike so I can chat, otherwise I just look like a crazywoman chasing after them (without them I am just a crazywoman!) I am so glad Denise delieverd my hug! You are so in my thoughts and prayers dear. My Mom and Dad too. I love you and if you need someone to bring you somewhere, I am more than willing! Seriously, I would love to help you in anyway I can. Love you honey! GOD IS GOOD!


Cousin Jennifer said...

Laura, so happy to hear you are home and getting the rest your body needs. You are in our prayers, and thoughts daily.
So glad to hear that Chemo is not recommended!
Enjoy your weekend with friends and family, I am sure it will be busy! You have been missed.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

I'm so thrilled to be coming so soon. Can't wait to hang out with you. I'll be glad to be your walking partner!! I'm praying for you just as frequently even now...for you to be pain-free, the radiation to work in the most efficient manner, and for you to be 100% asap!


Anonymous said...

The intense joy of seeing you today was incredible! You are absolutely beautiful, and if it is at all possible, I sensed an even greater sweetness about you. It must be the presence of God holding you close through this whole experience.

I will call this weekend to see if a visit is ok---I just want you to know what a relief it is to see you. For those who can't see her quite yet, let me tell you she is somehow more wonderful than ever!

Love ya-
J'Aimee (Dave and kids, also, are so glad you're home!)

Anonymous said...

You are so cute. I can't wait to go get baby potatoes with you tomorrow at our favorite (ok, second favorite) hang...although I am boycotting the first favorite hang since they won't hook me up with Tumari Special Sauce...whatever. So glad you are up and out and about and feeling stronger. Power to the monkey...even though he isn't cooperating right now

Anonymous said...

Dear Laura,
So glad to hear that your spirits are staying high and that you continue to progress so well...a true miracle:) My only sadness is that I can't get up there to see you right away. Know that I would be there every minute if I could! Love you and can't wait to see you.
love neethi

Anonymous said...

I made my flight arrangements yesterday! Can't wait to come visit. I'm bringing my stroller so we can go on long walks. Can I even tell you how excited I am to get out of this oven?? :)

We're all still praying for you to feel better and for the radiation to be a complete success!

See you soon!!
