Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Phone Calls

To all of my friends that wonder why I don't return phone calls...please understand that before I was on anti-seizure meds, too much auditory stimuli would make me have seizures...both too much talking and too much listening. Talking on the phone really seems to bother me, so I stay off as much as possible. Know that it has nothing to do with not wanting to talk, but everything to do with not wanting to ever have another seizure! I hope you understand. As I continue to feel better, I will let you know when it is easier to be on the phone. Thank you for all of the calls and emails...right now, email is the preferred method of communication for me. Getting better each day. Still praying for no more headaches! Also, have many Dr's appointments in the next couple of weeks, please pray for those. The verdict's still out on chemo, but I really don't want to have it! Radiation starts next week. Love to you all,


Anonymous said...

Hi Laura,

It is so nice to hear from you again. I get so excited to see there is any new message when I check your blog (which I do every chance I get), but I am on the edge of my seat when the words are in pink!! Then it is just like listening to you speak! Too bad it is without your wonderful princess smile.

Don't forget how important rest is to healing.

Love and peace and lots of prayers!!

Anonymous said...

Whatever you need, Princess. I'd love to hear your voice, but knowing that you are more comfortable and at more ease not talking is all I need to know. I'll call your hubby to see if there is a day this weekend where I can stop by for five minutes. Abigail said she wants to see you since Annie got to see you last weekend! Praying for all these appointments coming up!

khz said...

Miss You and thinking of you Angel Girl


khz said...

miss you and thinking of you angel girl.
