Monday, August 13, 2007

New Prayer Request

I was able to spend 10 mins. with Laura, while Doc and Janet split the 10 min. allotment. She was responsive to our voices, but in such a deep, out-of-it sleep that she would slip in and out of "it" (I can't really characterize her state accurately, so "it" is going to have to do). Once I moved to her right side, and she heard my voice, she sought out my hand to hold. She provided some good squeezes to let me/us know she knows I/we were there. She looks great, and already has more color than she did the last time I saw her (time seems to be warped today, so I am not sure when that was). To those that know her, you might know that she likes her kisses...and her heartrate literally slowed when I gave her some kisses on her cheek and whispered in her ear before I left...pretty comical.

Prayer Request:

She has yet to move her left side, which is but an observation at this point and has not yet moved to the level of concern. She consistently migrated her eyes and attention toward her right side, so we stayed on that side so she wouldn't think/try too hard. We were told that could create nausea for her. The doctor and nurses were not concerned as it simply takes different people different amounts of time for the hemisphere of the brain operated on to "wake up."

If our prayer force out there would pray that her left side provide the doctors some good feedback, we would be grateful. Due to her medical expertise, I do not want her to overhear us speaking about it and have her start worrying, especially in the cloudy state she is in at this point. She is prone to worrying, and I don't want anything but positive thoughts running through that cute little head. Please pray for full, speedy, painless recovery for all nervous functions. She of all people I know deserves it.


Anonymous said...

Chad, don't worry---there is no stop to the prayers!!! I know this is going to be fine---about 2 minutes before Janet called to say that Laura was out of surgery and that all had gone well, I had just told Mary Craymer that I just kept getting all these very positive feelings washing over me that all was going well. That feeling is definitely with me know. She'll recover fully with God's strength leading her.

Take care! I agree with the message that you continue to be just an amazing husband for Laura! Now no more Vault or you're in trouble!!!

Love you guys-

Anonymous said...

Chad, I know all my friends will keep praying. The Lord will bless her with a speedy recovery. He is our Savor and guiding light and He will push Laura in the direction she needs to go. We love you both and will keep praying.
Warren and Wendi Knape

Anonymous said...

I KNEW I should have worked on getting her intoxicated more often!!!! Prayers are working and will be answered. As always, have faith. Counting the minutes till she is home and I can can rub her feet and watch marathons of
The Hills on the comfy couch.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to thank you for the updates on Laura's surgery. She has been in my prayers all day (both of you have actually). I just want to assure you that Laura will regain her left side movement and strength. He will answer every prayer in His perfect timing. Our son had life-threatening seizures until he had a right hemispherectomy (yes, removal of his entire right hemisphere) in Nov and he started moving his left arm and leg the day after surgery. Each day he moved his arm and leg more and more. He was walking without assistance (almost running) 2 weeks after surgery!

Our God is an awesome God and will heal Laura. She is blessed to have a supportive husband, family and friends. What a testimony her life already is and now God is going to use this experience to bring Him even more glory and honor.

God Bless you both!
Mary Lou, Jason, Zachary and Lexi Meier

"But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord; I will wait for the God of my salvation. My God will hear me." Micah 7:7

Anonymous said...

You are still in our thoughts and prayers and I just know she is going to be fine. God will continue to hold her in the palm of his hand. My love to you both. Laura G

Anonymous said...

Chad- let's just say that God has got to be getting tired of my blither blather of prayers that have been sent up since 4:50 this morning. With that said- I am keeping them going. My mama didn't raise a quitter!!

Just wanted to let you know that Bebe called to see how Laura is doing - sorry I did not see her to give you more of a report. Little man knows that my attention is elsewhere as it is almost 9 and he is still awake, but I think he knows better than to cry.

We are thinking of you. Erick is at the Pirates v. Giants baseball in Pittsburg tonight - I don't think anyone bought popcorn, so there should not be any photos like the whitecaps game. As always we are available!

Stay strong - give Laura our love and well wishes!


Anonymous said...

Chad you are so wonderful and we are sending you all our love as well as Tinning...The kids pray every night, and in their innocence I feel like their prayers are so pure and sincere-uncluttered by the noise of adult concerns. They know right from left and are focusing on Laura's left side tonight! And they were SOOO filled with joy when I told them the surgery went well! You know, that uninhibited wild hopping and skipping and yelling "YAY!!" of the 3 and 4 year olds :)

Peace dearest Chad...God rest on your pillow tonight (as the kids would say):)

Anonymous said...

Hey Chad,
Thank you so very much for keeping us up-to-date. I am with you-God Rocks!! and the two of you are amazing!!! I was reading your blog and Brad said "Let Laura know you will make her some cheesy bacon goodness when she gets home" And I say Absolutely to that:) We are praying with confidence for an incredible speedy recovery...Love ya both, Kristy & Dave

Anonymous said...

Chad,I am so glad to hear the tumor is out and that she is responding to you. OUR GOD IS AN AWESOME GOD!!!!! We will continue to pray for Laura. Chad I am truly amazed by you, you are a wonderful husband and such an example for us all to look up to. Tell Laura I love her and I love you too!!! Salsa will be ready when you get home .. ( so stay out of the VAULT) Love Ya'll,Liza