My head has been feeling pretty good, rarely headaches. Still dealing with dizziness, fatigue, ringing and hearing loss on that side. I've started physical therapy to help my brain habituate to the dizziness. I have some more testing for the ringing and hearing loss. Our hope is that it's just from inflammation from the radiation and will resolve with time and more healing. I worked a little this week to test it out. Did ok, just had to take a long nap! The residents didn't make too much fun of me when I had to wear sunglasses under the fluorescent lights! I would prefer to work in candlelight...does anyone know of a hospital like that?
Chad's parents are coming this weekend for a visit since we won't be able to go back to Kansas this year. Today I was able to go with my friend Nicole and son Gibson to the Meijer Gardens to see the trees. It was nice to get out of the walls of the house and of course to visit with a friend. May you all have a blessed holiday season and a very merry CHRISTmas. May we not forget the reason we celebrate--the birth of our savior Jesus.
Please continue to pray for the above symptoms to go away and for complete and total healing. My follow-up MRI is January 3. Pray that there is absolutely no tumor, no scar tissue, and no inflammation. Blessings and a very merrry Christmas,
I think there might be a nice Amish hospital that uses candles, check into that. ;-) Been thinking about you and praying you were doing well. Love ya, and remember how precious you are to so many!
Keri Roth
You looked beautiful and relaxed on the beach. I'm glad we got to "talk" while you were on your trip. I miss you so much!!
The prayer train is still chuggin' along!
Love you,
Yay!!!! I'm so glad you're back! I knew you were enjoying the Florida sunshine, but I was also anxiously awaiting your next blog entry. You look great as always. I hope the PT for the dizziness helps...maybe you could practice with those New York Ballet workout DVDs! :) I can't wait to see you in the new year. We'll plan a weekend trip after the holidays!
Lara et al.
Oh Laura,
It is so nice to hear from you again. You may not realize how often all of us check the blog for updates on you. It always seems to be a special day when there is more news on your healing journey. Thank you so much to you and Chad for keeping us updated. You are so loved. I hope you have an absolutely wonderful Christmas and a simply awesome 2008. Here's to a new year!!!
Much love and hugs!!!
Peace and love,
Lori D.
I'm so glad you all got to make the trip to FL. We will be praying that the MRI on the 3rd shows absolutely nothing behind. We are still praying for you daily, and I stop to think of you often when I need encouragement. You are such an inspiration to so many people, Laura!
Jennifer & Family
So glad to see a blog update! And to hear that things are going well. We have been keeping you in our prayers. Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
Tavi and Mark
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