Friday, July 4, 2008

MRI Results

Well, as you all know, I had another MRI last night. Fortunately my doctor was on call today and got it read for me. They said it is all clear and looks no different from the previous scan! Praise God! Please praise God with me for my healing!! Doing well otherwise...working 5-7 days/week and missing my naps a little, but doing well. Thank you all for your prayers!


Bonnie said...

YEEHAA!! If I could do a cartwheel, I would!
Father God, we give YOU all the praise, glory and honor for this news!
You are so worthy Lord, and we love You with everything in us!

Bless Chad and Laura, help them to be able to give comfort to others, and direct them to You.

In His Mighty Name,

Anonymous said...

Such good news! We're so happy for you! Love, all the Melcers