Thursday, April 23, 2009

April MRI

I just got a call from one of the nurses at the neurosurgeon's office with the message, "he was able to review your images (MRI) and he said everything looks FANTASTIC!" Praise God!! Most likely I will have another MRI in July and since August will be my 2 year cancer free anniversary(!!!!!!!!!!!), hopefully I can start having the MRIs every 6 months. We shall see what the oncologist says. Thank you for your continued prayers and support!

1 comment:

Wendi Knape said...

Hey there cousin,
Thought I'd drop a line; was thinking about you. I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. It is a blessing. I was out in Grand Rapids a few weeks ago, but did not have enough time to say hi. I was at a writers conference at Calvin College. It was a great venue. Love you! Stay well.
Wendi Knape