Thursday, February 14, 2008

Six Months

On Wednesday, we celebrated 6 months since Laura's surgery. I can't tell you how strange it is to say that it has been 6 months...for it seems like a few weeks ago being in AR, but at the same time so long ago. What Laura has been through, from the surgery to recovery, radiation to the elation of not having to have her experience chemotherapy, the impact of losing hair, eye brows, etc., and now the numerous side effects of the medications. All said, we are in a great place. God has been faithful, abundant, and full of blessings.

6 months...still having a tough time with that, it just doesn't seem possible, seeming both to have gone so quickly and yet the surgery being so long ago. Laura has definitely grown through this process, though weak at times, always faithful to God. In so many ways, I have too, but struggled many times in many ways. There were times where I had a drink rather than saying a prayer, bottled up what I should have let out, and didn't take my friend Tim's advice to "take care of yourself throughout." Regardless, here we are, with Laura's med school/residency friends coming in to visit this weekend, ecstatic to see her for the first time since the surgery. A good place.

Life is becoming normal again. Some eardrops here, side effects of medicine there...all in all, you wouldn't know if didn't know by looking at Laura. I thank God for my family, as I have grown to appreciate how I was raised so much in that past 6 months. I was taught to focus on moving forward, focus on the positive, and don't let the negatives weigh on your mind too much. Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Sarah, Kelly, Doug...thank were always there with what I needed to hear.

On that note, the sun shined today, there is a ton of snow on the ground, so much only the box of our mailbox is showing....I am going to spoil the crap out of some kids this weekend...and probably have a Mount Gay and soda...or two...and a cigar. Sounds like a good weekend to me.

Have a good weekend everone,


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