Sunday, April 27, 2008

Not much to report

I haven't posted in awhile because there hasn't been much new to report. One thing I've realized is that after you've been diagnosed with cancer and become cancer free, boring can be good! I'm working more and back to fulltime at the hospital. I think I've really turned a corner and am feeling better and better all the time. I still get tired from time to time and take a nap, but don't people who haven't had a brain tumor removed less than a year ago? I also get occasional headaches from the shifting brain due to the shift into the space from the removal of the tumor. Prayer for those is much appreciated. Otherwise life is good and as my friend always ends her blog...God is faithful.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are feeling good!! I think it is because you met Taylor Hicks! LOL!!
Love and peace,
Lori D.