Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Can't Sleep

It just turned 5:30AM and I haven't been able to sleep. I finally got up so I wouldn't disturb Chad anymore. He was being very sweet and not getting outwardly irritated with me for tossing and turning and waking him up. I was up first at 2am, which seems to be when i wake up each night...then again at 4am until now. I took a great long nap yesterday, but that usually doesn't affect my sleep like this. It's a winter wonderland outside, and I'm sure Chad will be getting up soon to snowblow before work as we've accumulated quite the drifts on the driveway. Still battling the nausea...taking 2 anti-nausea meds to cope. I'm tired of medicine! Well, now that I've been able to talk to someone, maybe I'll try going back to sleep for a bit.



Anonymous said...

Laura, I found something today in my "Ransomed Heart" ministry online devotional. I think you will find rest in it! Here it is:

Oftentimes praying for a significant advance of the Kingdom, or for some spiritual breakthrough, and quite often in spiritual warfare, praying is like felling a large tree. It takes a number of swings to get it done, a number of swings before you even see anything happening. I think this throws some of us in our prayer life. But remember Elijah, when he prayed for rain, and how he sent his servant seven times to see if anything was happening. This great man of God didn’t see results right away. It took time, and staying with it. Let this not discourage you; let it rather settle you and focus you, bring about a determination that says, “OK, here we go. This is going to take awhile. I’ll keep at it until we see the breakthrough come.” I’ve been praying for more than a year now for something to happen in our family, and finally, last week, it happened. After over a year of prayer.

We will just keep up the focus! God isn't finished...as you well know! We'll continue chopping at the tree!!

Love to you both!!
Charli Barrett

Bonnie said...

Oh sister, I too am up quite a lot these days, but I'm afraid my reason is hormones and hot flashes..
I just ask the Lord who He wants me to pray for and instantly, someone comes to my mind..as I pray I usually drift back to sleep(sorry Lord!)
I am so grateful your MRI came back all clear!
I will pray for your tummy..be patient with yourself. You have made so much progress is such a short time!
Be encouraged!

P.S. I dislike taking meds greatly!!