Thursday, January 3, 2008

The Waiting Game

I had the MRI this morning, and now the waiting for the results begins. I don't see any of my doctors until next week. I tried to pull some strings being a doctor myself...asking if one of the radiologists I know well was there (he wasn't), to see if he would look at it with me. Oh well, worth a try. Patience. I have the MRI here, and am trying not to look at it, since I don't know as much what I'm looking at as the neurosurgeon. Wish my appointment with him was's Tuesday.

I'm going to try to be better about updating the blog. I still don't have a working computer, so I have to pry Chad's away from him when he gets home from work. He's preoccupied tonight becuase his team (KU) is playing in the Orange Bowl tonight. He's quite happy watching ESPN-HD right now. They're chanting Rock Chaulk Jayhawk right now and he's very happy. He's already changed and is out of work clothes and sporting is KANSAS shirt.

I've been at my sister's for the fun as it was, it was a lot of stimulation for me. I'm happy to be home with Chad with only one TV on and only one other person talking. Though right now he's chanting his KU chant as he's leaving for Meijer. I took a rockstar nap today: 4 hours, and it felt great! Wasn't doing well with my naps while gone...catching up now.

As many of you know, Chad and I had been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years before I was diagnosed. We were frustrated, yet knew it would happen in God's timing. I had a realization a few days ago. I had an early miscarriage in September of 2006. I was thinking about what it would have been like to have been diagnosed with the tumor with a newborn. It wasn't meant to be. God knew then that I need to get healthy first. Why would I ever question His timing? It is perfect. I'll leave you tonight on that note. Please continue to pray for my healing, for the MRI results, for no more dizziness or nausea, for no more ringing in my R ear, and for my hearing to be restored.



Anonymous said...

Chad & Laura,

Merry Christmas (a little late) and Happy New Year (not quite as late). Temple and I have been praying for you guys and keeping updated on your blog. God is going to give you an amazing testimony!!!

Our Christmas card to you and Laura got sent back -- can we get an updated address? Just shoot me an email.

God is great...all the time,
Scott & Temple

Bonnie said...

Oh Laura..I am with you dear sister!
Here is a passage that has been my strength while I waited for the results of my biopsy a few weeks ago.
Psalm 57: 1, 2
"Be gracious to me, O God, be gracious to me, for my soul takes refuge in Thee; and in the shadow of Thy wings I will take refuge until destruction passes by. I will cry to God Most High, to God Who accomplishes all things for me.."
I know the waiting is SO difficult and I will be lifting you up to Him.
My biopsy revealed "pre-cancerous" cells in my remaining breast..not the news we wanted. Yet, God has been gracious and I know He will accomplish that which concerns me.
He is so faithful to us!