Thursday, November 13, 2008
Trip to Kansas City
I'm on my way to Kansas City today for a baby shower for a friend from high school. I will get to see lots of old girlfriends from high school and some college friends as well. I am very excited, but a little nervous/anxious to travel alone. Please pray for my safe travels and for no seizures or feelings like I might have a seizure. I was able to go off of the anti-seizure med for a couple of weeks, but started feeling too stimulated and had to go back on it...just a low dose for now. I am definitely healing...feeling better and more energy all the time. Would like to get off all of these meds for good! Please pray for that. I'm sure I will have pictures when I return on Sunday from my trip, so stay posted.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
MRI Results
I know some of you still check the blog and are wondering what the results were of the MRI. It looked GREAT!! All CLEAR, no sign of recurrent tumor growth. Praise God for my continued healing! Sorry for those who have been waiting on the edge of their seats! I forget that people still check this. As far as the next step, I'm not sure. I will continue to have follow-up MRIs...just not sure if the next one will be in 3 months or 6 months. I am very close to being off the anti-zeizure medication, and that is very exciting! I am feeling much mor like myself these days and getting more energy back each day. Thanks for your prayers!
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Next MRI
To all of you friends and prayer next MRI is scheduled for October 6 at 10am. Please keep me in your prayers in the upcoming week and especially on that day...for a clean MRI and for peace of mind as I approach the scan. God is good and I know I am healed, but it is still a little nerve racking. I am still weaning off of the seizure medicine and doing well...just another month or two to go, probably. Life is otherwise uneventful...working lots, which is good. Getting off of the medicine has my energy increasing, so I am trying to exercise more and get back into pre-tumor shape....or better!
Thank you to all of you that have gone on this journey with me. I can't tell you how much your prayers have been felt and appreciated over the last year!
God bless...He is good!
Thank you to all of you that have gone on this journey with me. I can't tell you how much your prayers have been felt and appreciated over the last year!
God bless...He is good!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
One year anniversary!!!
Well, it was a year ago today that I had surgery to remove the tumor. Can you believe it's been a year?! Chad had a surprise party for me to celebrate last was a total surprise as I was clueless. Today, my sister and nephews from Rochester drove in to surprise me for my one year anniversary and to surprise my dad who is in the hospital recovering from back surgery. Please pray for his healing. His surgery was last Tuesday and he is in acute rehab in Metro Health Hospital. Please pray for his back to heal quickly and for no more pain! Thank you for your continued prayers. I will have another MRI in October and one of these times I think they will spread them out to every 6 months instead of every 3. Thank you all for sticking with me through this and for continuing to be my prayer warriors. Love,
Friday, July 4, 2008
MRI Results
Well, as you all know, I had another MRI last night. Fortunately my doctor was on call today and got it read for me. They said it is all clear and looks no different from the previous scan! Praise God! Please praise God with me for my healing!! Doing well otherwise...working 5-7 days/week and missing my naps a little, but doing well. Thank you all for your prayers!
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Next MRI
I will get on and post later this weekend with news and pics from our trip to Kansas for Chad's grandparents 60th wedding anniversary. My next MRI is scheduled for July 3 at 7:30pm. Please pray for my peace of mind and solid faith to not be fearful or worried about this scan. I will have to arrive for it by 7pm and will probably not be done until 8:30. Thank you all in advance for your prayers. I feel so blessed to have so many friends and people I don't even know praying for me. Once again, I will let you know when I know.
Monday, May 19, 2008
Marriage Retreat
Thank you all for your prayers...the shingles are gone and for the most part the headaches too! The headaches came with the shingles I believe, as it's kind of like fighting off any down, achy, headaches, fever, etc. I feel much better since they've cleared. I was very blessed to have noticed them on day 1 or 2 so I could get on an antiviral and steroids right away. The meds kept them from really spreading and from getting too yucky or painful. I am now left with just a little patch of dry skin and discoloration on my face. No biggie.
Chad and I were able to go away for the weekend up to Silver Lake for a marriage retreat. It was nice to spend some time away together. This was the first since the surgery and long overdue. We had time to focus on God and each other, away from the stressors of everydayness. Our friends Pastor Bill and Sandy Bennett have a marriage retreat, a men's retreat, and a ladies' retreat every year at their camp AO-WA-KIYA. You can visit them online to learn more about it. They are wonderful and if I were a kid, I'd be there for sure...and when we have kids, you better believe they'll be there.
Feeling much better since the shingles have resolved. Getting a little more energy back, but still pretty tired. Please pray for continued healing...I'm not back to my 100% pre-surgery self yet, but everyone says I look better and better all the time. Thank you for the prayers and support.
Chad and I were able to go away for the weekend up to Silver Lake for a marriage retreat. It was nice to spend some time away together. This was the first since the surgery and long overdue. We had time to focus on God and each other, away from the stressors of everydayness. Our friends Pastor Bill and Sandy Bennett have a marriage retreat, a men's retreat, and a ladies' retreat every year at their camp AO-WA-KIYA. You can visit them online to learn more about it. They are wonderful and if I were a kid, I'd be there for sure...and when we have kids, you better believe they'll be there.
Feeling much better since the shingles have resolved. Getting a little more energy back, but still pretty tired. Please pray for continued healing...I'm not back to my 100% pre-surgery self yet, but everyone says I look better and better all the time. Thank you for the prayers and support.
Friday, May 9, 2008
When we posted that I was doing much better and had turned a corner, I really had. I've been feeling crummy lately, especially the last several days and we now know why. I've had more headaches, burning sinus/facial pain, and been more tired. I have shingles on my face! And on the right side...the same side that the tumor was on. Argh. I have a very painful and itchy rash in my right nasolabial fold (where my upper lip meets my cheek). I caught it early and went to see someone so I got put on an antiviral med quickly, so hopefully that will keep it from spreading or getting much worse. I let the neurosurgeon know in case it was of concern because of the proximity of my brain (since the shingles is infecting a nerve that directly exits my brain). He put me on steroids in addition to the antiviral. Yuck...I don't like steroids, but whatever will get me well the fastest. Please pray that this resolves quickly. If it doesn't I will not be able to see babies or my pregnant women at clinic. I need this to heal! And I need these yucky headaches to go away.
I know God doesn't give me more than I can handle...I think we all know I can handle a lot by now. Enough already. Heal me Lord Jesus and make me whole and healthy. Please pray for my speedy recovery. Thank you,
I know God doesn't give me more than I can handle...I think we all know I can handle a lot by now. Enough already. Heal me Lord Jesus and make me whole and healthy. Please pray for my speedy recovery. Thank you,
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Please pray
I have a prayer request...I've started getting more headaches lately...I think from the shifting and repositioning of my brain. The membranes that surround the brain are stretching and they have pain fibers, while the brain does not. I've had to take meds for my headaches the last several days which had been rare. Please pray for the headaches to go away and for me not to need any pain medicine...I don't want to have to live on Tylenol to function. Doing well otherwise. Good days and bad days like anyone, but definitely better overall...except for the return of the headaches. Thank you for your prayers. I continue to have faith that I am still in a healing process and am not back to my "new normal" yet...I was told to give that at least a year post surgery. I hope this finds you all well.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Not much to report
I haven't posted in awhile because there hasn't been much new to report. One thing I've realized is that after you've been diagnosed with cancer and become cancer free, boring can be good! I'm working more and back to fulltime at the hospital. I think I've really turned a corner and am feeling better and better all the time. I still get tired from time to time and take a nap, but don't people who haven't had a brain tumor removed less than a year ago? I also get occasional headaches from the shifting brain due to the shift into the space from the removal of the tumor. Prayer for those is much appreciated. Otherwise life is good and as my friend always ends her blog...God is faithful.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
MRI Results
I promised I would let you know as soon as I heard anything. I just got a call from my neurosurgeon and he said absolutely NO RECURRENCE!!! He does see some post-radiation changes (scarring?) but no tumor! Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Rejoice with me in this wonderful news and keep prayiing for complete healing. Love,
Monday, April 7, 2008
MRI scheduling mishap
So they told me the wrong day for my's tomorrow April 8 at 10:15am. They told me today, so Chad and I showed up today and they were not very nice in telling us that it wasn't today..."well it can't be today....the MRI machine is in Kalamazoo today, so it can't be today..." As if I knew that. "God keep me calm and give me grace" So please keep praying today and tomorrow. I will let you know when I know results.
Friday, April 4, 2008
MRI time change
Please start to pray for me at 9:45, that's when I report for my MRI...the actual scan is scheduled for 10:15am on Monday April 7. I plan on this being my second perfectly clear one of many! Claim that it will be so with me. Pray for peace as I go and await the scan...pray for continued healing...I'm getting better daily and feeling better all the time. I still deal with medication side effects; who knows, maybe we'll try another seizure med switch. I will let you know how the MRI looks when I get the results. In the meantime, PRAY.
Thursday, April 3, 2008
Pictures and MRI
I promised you a couple pictures from Dallas, so here they are: One of Chad and I and one of me with Taylor Hicks (American Idol winner 2 years ago). Enjoy

My next MRI has finally been scheduled, so please pray, pray, pray! As of right now, it will be Monday morning April 7 at 9:45am. I may have to reschedule it and if so, I will post again. Please pray for my peace during the surrounding time and of course for a perfectly clear report. Thank you all and I will let you know when I know the results.
Monday, March 31, 2008
Home Sweet Home
We made it safely back from Dallas, no worse for the wear. It was a long, exhausting trip...3 different flights to get us there and back. GR to Chicago to KC to Dallas and then the reverse. I had long days of lectures and workshops, etc., but only took two short naps and functioned quite well, I think. Chad had some successful meetings down there too, so it was beneficial for both of us. We had a couple days of sunshine and nice weather, but they it turned chilly and dreary. Nothing like what we came back to...pouring rain and chilly today. Chillier than Dallas, that's for sure. I was able to see lots of old friends and catch up. We had a nice dinner with a business associate of Chad's and his wife which was a lot of fun...always nice to meet someone when you hear so much about them (I hadn't met his wife before). Working lots again this week, but thinking I may have to take the plunge and just go back to fulltime and force myself to handle it. Pray for strength and wisdom! Thank you prayer warriors!
Almost forgot...anyone watch American Idol? Remember the winner 2 years ago...Taylor Hicks...saw him at our hotel and got my pic taken with him...really nice guy. I'll post the pic when I can.
Almost forgot...anyone watch American Idol? Remember the winner 2 years ago...Taylor Hicks...saw him at our hotel and got my pic taken with him...really nice guy. I'll post the pic when I can.
Saturday, March 22, 2008
March Madness
It's all about basketball in this house right on both TVs and a husband who can't peel himself away until the last game is over each night. At least with each next round there arent' as many games. The good news is both MSU and KU made it through their first round games...we were both happy about that!
For those of you who don't live in Michigan, we had been having beautiful weather--mid-50's a few days ago, then Thursday it got cold and gloomy again. Yesterday and last night, 4+ inches of snow!! We finally had all the snow in our yard melted, now it's back! I knew there'd probably be at least one more snowfall and here it is.
We had a nice weekend in Kansas City with Chad's family. I was tired, but it was fun. The last 3 weeks I've worked long weeks...maybe a little too much...had to go back to long naps which I had gotten away from, so I think I need to keep working up gradually, which I've been doing. In KC I also got to see one of my best friends from college and an old roommate; that was fun! We went shopping/errand running on Saturday and just hung out like old times (except for her 6month pregnant belly).
Chad and I will be going to Dallas next week for a conference for me. Pray for my stamina because traveling takes it out of me. Chad will have some meetings down there and that is why he is going with me (which I'm very happy about). Pray that his meetings are successful.
That's the update for now, not a lot new. Keep the prayers coming--prayers for peace of mind for my upcoming MRI and for a completely normal result. Thanks all. Love,
For those of you who don't live in Michigan, we had been having beautiful weather--mid-50's a few days ago, then Thursday it got cold and gloomy again. Yesterday and last night, 4+ inches of snow!! We finally had all the snow in our yard melted, now it's back! I knew there'd probably be at least one more snowfall and here it is.
We had a nice weekend in Kansas City with Chad's family. I was tired, but it was fun. The last 3 weeks I've worked long weeks...maybe a little too much...had to go back to long naps which I had gotten away from, so I think I need to keep working up gradually, which I've been doing. In KC I also got to see one of my best friends from college and an old roommate; that was fun! We went shopping/errand running on Saturday and just hung out like old times (except for her 6month pregnant belly).
Chad and I will be going to Dallas next week for a conference for me. Pray for my stamina because traveling takes it out of me. Chad will have some meetings down there and that is why he is going with me (which I'm very happy about). Pray that his meetings are successful.
That's the update for now, not a lot new. Keep the prayers coming--prayers for peace of mind for my upcoming MRI and for a completely normal result. Thanks all. Love,
Monday, March 10, 2008
I made it...
I made it through last week...just a little tired, but I have the same schedule this week, so keep the prayers coming! I had a conference in Detroit on Sunday, so that makes it 5 days in a row this week. I didn't enjoy getting up early to make it to the conference after we sprung forward Saturday night. I'm a sleepy girl, but I just woke up from a nice 3 hour nap...what a blessing those naps are! After another long week, Chad and I will be going to Kansas City this weekend to see his family. I think I will be able to see one of my best friends from college too--she's 6 months pregnant and I'm very excited to be able to see her! Hopefully I'll have a picture to put up. I'm sure there will be pics of Chad's family because we will be seeing our nephew, Owen, Chad's sister's little guy. That's it for now. Keep the prayers coming. I'm not 100% yet, but getting better day by day.
Sunday, March 2, 2008
Working Girl
Just a quick note to ask for prayers for this week. I will be working Mon, Tues, Wed & Thurs this week...the most I've worked since the surgery! It's a big step. Please keep me in your prayers that I have the energy to sustain me (I know God can and will sustain me) and that I have a good cheerful attitude about being at work. Pray that I get good restful sleep and feel the best I have since surgery. I'm getting there, day by day. I have a praise: This weekend at church was the first time we were able to sit in the service (no sunglasses) and not in the crying baby area outside. That was a big deal. I felt good, too. My friends said I looked better than I have at church in awhile--not glassy-eyed, red-eyed, etc. Very exciting!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Visitor today
I moved my patients from today to yesterday, so I was home today. My friend Heidi and her newborn baby Isabelle came by for a visit and for me to treat Izzy. She's been a little-miss-fussy-pants. Heidi's ready to pull out her hair and I feel so badly for her. I really want to help. All I knew to do was watch the baby, try to get her to sleep, and let Heidi take a short power nap; that is until the crying woke her up. Poor new mamma. Soothing, swaddling, sucking...trying everything. Any advice anyone?
I'm working every week...pushing myself to do a little more each week. Getting more stamina, I think. The artificial lights are the biggest problem. I try to see babies right now in rooms that have windows so I don't have to turn any lights on. I'm not needing as many naps (or not taking as many) and the nausea doesn't seem to be as bad either.
I was able to go to a meeting at Gilda's Club Tuesday night. I enjoyed being able to talk with others going through similar journeys.
Keep praying! For all symptoms to be completely gone and for complete healing. Thanks. Love to all,
I'm working every week...pushing myself to do a little more each week. Getting more stamina, I think. The artificial lights are the biggest problem. I try to see babies right now in rooms that have windows so I don't have to turn any lights on. I'm not needing as many naps (or not taking as many) and the nausea doesn't seem to be as bad either.
I was able to go to a meeting at Gilda's Club Tuesday night. I enjoyed being able to talk with others going through similar journeys.
Keep praying! For all symptoms to be completely gone and for complete healing. Thanks. Love to all,
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Working Computer
FINALLY!! I have a new computer! They finally sent me a new one after all the problems I'd had with mine. It'll be nice to have a connection to the world again on days that I'm home. I like to instant message if anyone else does that, it's a good way to communicate.
I finally got over the strep, sinus stuff and reaction to the antibiotic and am feeling as good as I have in awhile. I worked yesterday and today and feel good. Trying to ease my way back in. Treated a friend and her baby at the house today too. I think I'm getting a little more stamina back which is really encouraging. I'm still pretty tired but my naps are fewer and not as long.
I had a great weekend with my friends from medical school. We just hung out, cooked, played games and caught up on each others' lives. It was a blast. I will attempt to attach a video of one of the kids from this weekend who is a fierce dancer. He went on for over a half an hour. Oh to have the energy again!
I still have quite a bit of nausea, but it's manageable. I'd like it to be gone completely, of course. Keep praying. My next MRI ins in April and we want that to show even more healing than the one in January. And of course for there to be no trace of tumor! Thanks for your continued prayers. Life is good. God is good. Love you all,
I finally got over the strep, sinus stuff and reaction to the antibiotic and am feeling as good as I have in awhile. I worked yesterday and today and feel good. Trying to ease my way back in. Treated a friend and her baby at the house today too. I think I'm getting a little more stamina back which is really encouraging. I'm still pretty tired but my naps are fewer and not as long.
I had a great weekend with my friends from medical school. We just hung out, cooked, played games and caught up on each others' lives. It was a blast. I will attempt to attach a video of one of the kids from this weekend who is a fierce dancer. He went on for over a half an hour. Oh to have the energy again!
I still have quite a bit of nausea, but it's manageable. I'd like it to be gone completely, of course. Keep praying. My next MRI ins in April and we want that to show even more healing than the one in January. And of course for there to be no trace of tumor! Thanks for your continued prayers. Life is good. God is good. Love you all,
Thursday, February 14, 2008
Six Months
On Wednesday, we celebrated 6 months since Laura's surgery. I can't tell you how strange it is to say that it has been 6 months...for it seems like a few weeks ago being in AR, but at the same time so long ago. What Laura has been through, from the surgery to recovery, radiation to the elation of not having to have her experience chemotherapy, the impact of losing hair, eye brows, etc., and now the numerous side effects of the medications. All said, we are in a great place. God has been faithful, abundant, and full of blessings.
6 months...still having a tough time with that, it just doesn't seem possible, seeming both to have gone so quickly and yet the surgery being so long ago. Laura has definitely grown through this process, though weak at times, always faithful to God. In so many ways, I have too, but struggled many times in many ways. There were times where I had a drink rather than saying a prayer, bottled up what I should have let out, and didn't take my friend Tim's advice to "take care of yourself throughout." Regardless, here we are, with Laura's med school/residency friends coming in to visit this weekend, ecstatic to see her for the first time since the surgery. A good place.
Life is becoming normal again. Some eardrops here, side effects of medicine there...all in all, you wouldn't know if didn't know by looking at Laura. I thank God for my family, as I have grown to appreciate how I was raised so much in that past 6 months. I was taught to focus on moving forward, focus on the positive, and don't let the negatives weigh on your mind too much. Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Sarah, Kelly, Doug...thank were always there with what I needed to hear.
On that note, the sun shined today, there is a ton of snow on the ground, so much only the box of our mailbox is showing....I am going to spoil the crap out of some kids this weekend...and probably have a Mount Gay and soda...or two...and a cigar. Sounds like a good weekend to me.
Have a good weekend everone,
6 months...still having a tough time with that, it just doesn't seem possible, seeming both to have gone so quickly and yet the surgery being so long ago. Laura has definitely grown through this process, though weak at times, always faithful to God. In so many ways, I have too, but struggled many times in many ways. There were times where I had a drink rather than saying a prayer, bottled up what I should have let out, and didn't take my friend Tim's advice to "take care of yourself throughout." Regardless, here we are, with Laura's med school/residency friends coming in to visit this weekend, ecstatic to see her for the first time since the surgery. A good place.
Life is becoming normal again. Some eardrops here, side effects of medicine there...all in all, you wouldn't know if didn't know by looking at Laura. I thank God for my family, as I have grown to appreciate how I was raised so much in that past 6 months. I was taught to focus on moving forward, focus on the positive, and don't let the negatives weigh on your mind too much. Dad, Mom, Grandma, Grandpa, Sarah, Kelly, Doug...thank were always there with what I needed to hear.
On that note, the sun shined today, there is a ton of snow on the ground, so much only the box of our mailbox is showing....I am going to spoil the crap out of some kids this weekend...and probably have a Mount Gay and soda...or two...and a cigar. Sounds like a good weekend to me.
Have a good weekend everone,
Friday, February 1, 2008
Computers and a Sore Throat
I have now sent my computer in to HP for the third time...the last time it was sent back to me it still wasn't working. Argh. I wait for Chad to come home so I can use his laptop and feel linked to the outside world. I still don't LOVE talking on the phone. It's definitely better, but I prefer email.
I got a bad sore throat this week. We think it's just viral, but my throat culture hasn't come back yet. I'm feeling better...the worst is definitely over; I couldn't sleep Monday or Tuesday night because everytime I swallowed it woke me up. Ouch!
Tomorrow Chad and I are going to a new member meeting at Gilda's Club of Grand Rapids. I'm excited to get to know some people going through the same thing that we are. They have a meeting and we'll figure out how to get involved (i.e. brain tumor support group, etc.) then they have a new member brunch. I think it'll be fun. Not sure if Chad's looking forward to it or not, but he's willing to go and I appreciate that. He may not go, though, because he has a b-ball game at the same time. We'll see.
Otherwise we are surviving the snow. I think it's fnally going to stop tonight (after 7 inches). Chad's out snowblowing the driveway. When he gets in we will eat and watch a movie or two. We just went and rented several.
Please continue to pray for me even though we got great news at the 3-months follow-up MRI. I have an MRI every 3-months to check for recurrence and each will be nerveracking. Dizziness is gone, nausea is better, no headaches, still tired. Can't complain. Love to you all,
I got a bad sore throat this week. We think it's just viral, but my throat culture hasn't come back yet. I'm feeling better...the worst is definitely over; I couldn't sleep Monday or Tuesday night because everytime I swallowed it woke me up. Ouch!
Tomorrow Chad and I are going to a new member meeting at Gilda's Club of Grand Rapids. I'm excited to get to know some people going through the same thing that we are. They have a meeting and we'll figure out how to get involved (i.e. brain tumor support group, etc.) then they have a new member brunch. I think it'll be fun. Not sure if Chad's looking forward to it or not, but he's willing to go and I appreciate that. He may not go, though, because he has a b-ball game at the same time. We'll see.
Otherwise we are surviving the snow. I think it's fnally going to stop tonight (after 7 inches). Chad's out snowblowing the driveway. When he gets in we will eat and watch a movie or two. We just went and rented several.
Please continue to pray for me even though we got great news at the 3-months follow-up MRI. I have an MRI every 3-months to check for recurrence and each will be nerveracking. Dizziness is gone, nausea is better, no headaches, still tired. Can't complain. Love to you all,
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Inspiration from a friend
I was just reading the blog of one of my sisters in Christ, who went in Friday for her 2nd mastectomy prior to starting radiation. She has already received chemo. Here are some Biblical truths that all should hear:
Oh it is easy to follow Jesus when life is rosy and the sky is blue, and it is easy to sit here and type, but it is a continual choice to tell my soul the TRUTH as I think about tomorrow.
Psalm 103 tells me this: He has redeemed my life from the pit. He has crowned me with lovingkindness and compassion. He heals all my diseases(hey, it's either here on earth or Heaven)
II Peter 1 vs 3 tells me that He has granted to me everything pertaining to life and godliness..
Matthew 6: 34 tells me to not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself
Isaiah 43:1 tells me ..Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are Mine!"
Psalm 116 :1 says, "I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my supplications.Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore, I shall call upon Him for as long as I live.."
Psalm 91:15 says God will answer me when I call upon Him, He will be with me in trouble,He will rescue me and honor me.."
How awesome is that! Words from a woman the day before her second mastectomy. It makes worrying about those little things seem silly, huh?
On a quick note about me, dizziness is essentially gone. Nausea is much better since I've switched timing of taking my anti-seizure med. Praise God for that! Please pray for me Monday as I will be working my first full day and am usually quite fatigued after a half day. Pray for energy and that I am not bothered by the stimulus (the lights and talking).
Oh it is easy to follow Jesus when life is rosy and the sky is blue, and it is easy to sit here and type, but it is a continual choice to tell my soul the TRUTH as I think about tomorrow.
Psalm 103 tells me this: He has redeemed my life from the pit. He has crowned me with lovingkindness and compassion. He heals all my diseases(hey, it's either here on earth or Heaven)
II Peter 1 vs 3 tells me that He has granted to me everything pertaining to life and godliness..
Matthew 6: 34 tells me to not be anxious for tomorrow, for tomorrow will care for itself
Isaiah 43:1 tells me ..Do not fear, for I have redeemed you, I have called you by name, you are Mine!"
Psalm 116 :1 says, "I love the Lord because He hears my voice and my supplications.Because He has inclined His ear to me, Therefore, I shall call upon Him for as long as I live.."
Psalm 91:15 says God will answer me when I call upon Him, He will be with me in trouble,He will rescue me and honor me.."
How awesome is that! Words from a woman the day before her second mastectomy. It makes worrying about those little things seem silly, huh?
On a quick note about me, dizziness is essentially gone. Nausea is much better since I've switched timing of taking my anti-seizure med. Praise God for that! Please pray for me Monday as I will be working my first full day and am usually quite fatigued after a half day. Pray for energy and that I am not bothered by the stimulus (the lights and talking).
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Can't Sleep
It just turned 5:30AM and I haven't been able to sleep. I finally got up so I wouldn't disturb Chad anymore. He was being very sweet and not getting outwardly irritated with me for tossing and turning and waking him up. I was up first at 2am, which seems to be when i wake up each night...then again at 4am until now. I took a great long nap yesterday, but that usually doesn't affect my sleep like this. It's a winter wonderland outside, and I'm sure Chad will be getting up soon to snowblow before work as we've accumulated quite the drifts on the driveway. Still battling the nausea...taking 2 anti-nausea meds to cope. I'm tired of medicine! Well, now that I've been able to talk to someone, maybe I'll try going back to sleep for a bit.
Sunday, January 20, 2008
'07- A Year of Blessings
I know, I am about three weeks behind in putting this out, but better late than never.
I do not know what happened to '07, as it passed so quickly. Looking back, it is truly a year of blessings. I am so grateful that Laura began having seizures, for had she not, who knows what that Stage 3 portion of the tumor could have mutated into by now. The compassionate care provided to Laura throughout the appointments leading up to and following the surgery made the journey so much easier. To all of the doctors, nurses, PA's, thank you for your warm hearted care.
In looking back, Laura and I have both said that while we wouldn't wish this on anyone, we feel blessed to have gone through it and be where we are. It was an intimate journey with Christ that is difficult to explain; he was faithful through out the journey and continues to be. The journey was made much smoother and easier to handle through the support of family, friends, and colleagues. Both sides of our family went out of their way to assist and support in every way possible. Friends were begging to find out how they could help, provide support, and do things that I never would have considered. People we work with have been so supportive, understanding, and eager to do anything they could for us.
We feel so blessed to be where we are and have an incredibly clean follow-up MRI, so much so our local neurosurgeon said he would be "shot dead" if anything grew back. A special thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Yasargil for their incredible God-given gifts. Thank you for doing what you have in the past to make people like Laura have such an amazing post-surgical recovery. Save the side effects of the seizure meds and radiation, the recovery process has been incredible. We feel as though we have gone through an incredible challenge, guided by Christ every step of the way, and now are on the other side, free and clear of any cancer. It's still hard for me to say that word.
I have thanked you all so many times, but we are truly humbled by what everyone has done during the past five months. God bless you all.
I do not know what happened to '07, as it passed so quickly. Looking back, it is truly a year of blessings. I am so grateful that Laura began having seizures, for had she not, who knows what that Stage 3 portion of the tumor could have mutated into by now. The compassionate care provided to Laura throughout the appointments leading up to and following the surgery made the journey so much easier. To all of the doctors, nurses, PA's, thank you for your warm hearted care.
In looking back, Laura and I have both said that while we wouldn't wish this on anyone, we feel blessed to have gone through it and be where we are. It was an intimate journey with Christ that is difficult to explain; he was faithful through out the journey and continues to be. The journey was made much smoother and easier to handle through the support of family, friends, and colleagues. Both sides of our family went out of their way to assist and support in every way possible. Friends were begging to find out how they could help, provide support, and do things that I never would have considered. People we work with have been so supportive, understanding, and eager to do anything they could for us.
We feel so blessed to be where we are and have an incredibly clean follow-up MRI, so much so our local neurosurgeon said he would be "shot dead" if anything grew back. A special thank you to Dr. and Mrs. Yasargil for their incredible God-given gifts. Thank you for doing what you have in the past to make people like Laura have such an amazing post-surgical recovery. Save the side effects of the seizure meds and radiation, the recovery process has been incredible. We feel as though we have gone through an incredible challenge, guided by Christ every step of the way, and now are on the other side, free and clear of any cancer. It's still hard for me to say that word.
I have thanked you all so many times, but we are truly humbled by what everyone has done during the past five months. God bless you all.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Today I had a nice treat and went to a matinee with a friend. We saw 27 Dresses. Cute movie. There was a time when I thought that would have been me. Let's see, how many weddings have I been in....I think 8 including my own. Not too bad. I don't have a secret closet with all the dresses, though. That could be scary! I must say, none of the dresses I had to wear came close to the dresses in this movie. YIKES! Nice to get out of the house in the middle of the day. Not too stimulating, thank goodness it wasn't an action movie!
Thursday, January 17, 2008
That's how I sum up how I've been feeling lately. I feel nauseated, uncomfortable in my own skin, don't like to leave the house, but don't like to be alone...a conundrum, isn't it. I beg Chad to come home from work early, which I know drives him crazy when he's busy, which is all the time. Ugh. Even more frustrating is that no one seems to know why I feel it the Dilantin? Is it the effects after brain radiation? Who knows? I just want it to go away! Please go away. I went in to one of my clinics today to get an IV and have acupuncture. Hopefully that will help some. Please pray for the above. Thanks all. Love,
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Working Girl
On my husband's loving prompting, I'm pushing myself to work more. Though I must say, today I wondered what the heck I was doing. I went into clinic to see a pregnant mom who needed to be followed up on before she "popped". She didn't show. I was very disappointed that I got out of bed. I did get to precept one of the residents, so the day wasn't a total wash. As tired as I was/am today, I'm wondering what I'm thinking about seeing patients tomorrow. I have some back-up if I get too exhausted. I think I'm still recovering from the attempted switch to another medication. I still don't feel quite right since that.
Pleas pray that I remain seizure-free and that I have NO auras to make me think I'm about to have a seizure. Pray for energy, no nausea, no anxiety symptoms. I think that about covers it. Thank you all for your support, love and prayers. Still praising God that my 3-month MRI was totally clear!
Pleas pray that I remain seizure-free and that I have NO auras to make me think I'm about to have a seizure. Pray for energy, no nausea, no anxiety symptoms. I think that about covers it. Thank you all for your support, love and prayers. Still praising God that my 3-month MRI was totally clear!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Well, the transition onto a new anti-seizure med didn't go very well. I've been miserable the last few days...exhausted, sleeping all the time, uncomfortable in my own skin, having auditory hallucinations...the list goes on. Needless to say, I called my primary and discussed it with him and I'm going back on the Dilantin for now. I was at least getting used to those side effects. Please pray that I recover quickly from the Keppra and transition back onto the Dilantin without problem and without any seizures or auras associated with seizures. I'd like to be able to wean off of meds all together. Thanks for the support and prayers. I slept until 6pm and I've been up a few hours and it's time to go to bed again!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
More Appointments
Today concluded my appointments for this week, which totalled 6 in all. I had an appointment with the ENT today and PT this afternoon. The ENT said the testing on my right vestibular nerve showed an 81% deficit compared to the left side. I am not discouraged. I am still praising God for the beautiful MRI! She will keep an eye on me she said, and is hopeful that function will return with time.
I had PT this afternoon, and she is so pleased with my progress that she's not going to use the last appointment! She released me with some exercises to continue on my own to help with the dizziness. Yeah! I can drive and turn my head from side to side and not feel dizzy at all. HUGE progress!
I am very excited that I don't have any appointments tomorrow!! Yippee! I will be going into work to help on of our residents with a lecutre on nutrition. My understanding is I will be there more for support and questions.
That's it from me today. Had a great 4-5 hour nap and feel very refreshed. Please continue to pray for complete healing, fod resolution of nausea, ear ringing (tinnitus) and hearing loss.
Thank you all for your support and prayers. Love,
I had PT this afternoon, and she is so pleased with my progress that she's not going to use the last appointment! She released me with some exercises to continue on my own to help with the dizziness. Yeah! I can drive and turn my head from side to side and not feel dizzy at all. HUGE progress!
I am very excited that I don't have any appointments tomorrow!! Yippee! I will be going into work to help on of our residents with a lecutre on nutrition. My understanding is I will be there more for support and questions.
That's it from me today. Had a great 4-5 hour nap and feel very refreshed. Please continue to pray for complete healing, fod resolution of nausea, ear ringing (tinnitus) and hearing loss.
Thank you all for your support and prayers. Love,
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Late night time at the computer
Chad is always working hard even when he's home, so time for me at his computer is sometimes difficult to come by. My computer is still not fixed! Argh...let's just say I'm not liking this whole PC thing and miss my mac. I thought I'd take a moment to write a quick post. I had 2 appointments today. This morning with my radiation oncologist and this afternoon with the neurosurgeon in town. He said my MRI couldn't look anymore beautiful! Praise God. He said the dissection by Dr. Yasargil was perfect, leaving no trace of tumor behind and thinks I'm in the clear! He has such a way of putting me at ease...his opinion is what I've been waiting for. He decided to switch my anti-seizure medicine from Dilantin to Keppra. I will no longer have to have blood levels checked--big blessing. My levels have been sub-therapeutic for quite some time, but only recently have I been feeling more seizure-prone. He said that means it's time to change. I will be on both for a few days as I transition onto the Keppra. Please pray that I remain seizure-free and have no side effects from the Keppra. Also than my nausea resolves completely (may be from the dilantin or the damage to my ear nerve from the radiation...they're unsure). Also pray that I have more energy and am able to get to the gym and start to exercise a little so I don't get anymore deconditioned. My radiation oncologist thinks I'm in the small percentage of people that receive brain radiation that have overwhelming fatigue after radiation is over. Pray that resolves quickly. Thank you all again and again for your continued love, support, and prayers. Our God is good!! I praise Him all day everyday since I've gotten the results of my MRI back. We've gotta keep on keepin' on, cause my next MRI is 3 months from now.
Blessings and goodnightl,
a very sleepy and medicated (now 2 seizure meds) Laura
Blessings and goodnightl,
a very sleepy and medicated (now 2 seizure meds) Laura
Sunday, January 6, 2008
The Blessings Continue- The MRI Was Clear!
We were very excited to receive a call from Laura's doctor yesterday morning that her MRI was clear! While we both, or more so I, feel as though we are on the "other side" of this journey, it was jolt of reality thinking about what might show up. We continue to be humbled by God's faithfulness, and thank you all for your continued prayers.
God Bless,
God Bless,
Thursday, January 3, 2008
The Waiting Game
I had the MRI this morning, and now the waiting for the results begins. I don't see any of my doctors until next week. I tried to pull some strings being a doctor myself...asking if one of the radiologists I know well was there (he wasn't), to see if he would look at it with me. Oh well, worth a try. Patience. I have the MRI here, and am trying not to look at it, since I don't know as much what I'm looking at as the neurosurgeon. Wish my appointment with him was's Tuesday.
I'm going to try to be better about updating the blog. I still don't have a working computer, so I have to pry Chad's away from him when he gets home from work. He's preoccupied tonight becuase his team (KU) is playing in the Orange Bowl tonight. He's quite happy watching ESPN-HD right now. They're chanting Rock Chaulk Jayhawk right now and he's very happy. He's already changed and is out of work clothes and sporting is KANSAS shirt.
I've been at my sister's for the fun as it was, it was a lot of stimulation for me. I'm happy to be home with Chad with only one TV on and only one other person talking. Though right now he's chanting his KU chant as he's leaving for Meijer. I took a rockstar nap today: 4 hours, and it felt great! Wasn't doing well with my naps while gone...catching up now.
As many of you know, Chad and I had been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years before I was diagnosed. We were frustrated, yet knew it would happen in God's timing. I had a realization a few days ago. I had an early miscarriage in September of 2006. I was thinking about what it would have been like to have been diagnosed with the tumor with a newborn. It wasn't meant to be. God knew then that I need to get healthy first. Why would I ever question His timing? It is perfect. I'll leave you tonight on that note. Please continue to pray for my healing, for the MRI results, for no more dizziness or nausea, for no more ringing in my R ear, and for my hearing to be restored.
I'm going to try to be better about updating the blog. I still don't have a working computer, so I have to pry Chad's away from him when he gets home from work. He's preoccupied tonight becuase his team (KU) is playing in the Orange Bowl tonight. He's quite happy watching ESPN-HD right now. They're chanting Rock Chaulk Jayhawk right now and he's very happy. He's already changed and is out of work clothes and sporting is KANSAS shirt.
I've been at my sister's for the fun as it was, it was a lot of stimulation for me. I'm happy to be home with Chad with only one TV on and only one other person talking. Though right now he's chanting his KU chant as he's leaving for Meijer. I took a rockstar nap today: 4 hours, and it felt great! Wasn't doing well with my naps while gone...catching up now.
As many of you know, Chad and I had been trying to get pregnant for a couple of years before I was diagnosed. We were frustrated, yet knew it would happen in God's timing. I had a realization a few days ago. I had an early miscarriage in September of 2006. I was thinking about what it would have been like to have been diagnosed with the tumor with a newborn. It wasn't meant to be. God knew then that I need to get healthy first. Why would I ever question His timing? It is perfect. I'll leave you tonight on that note. Please continue to pray for my healing, for the MRI results, for no more dizziness or nausea, for no more ringing in my R ear, and for my hearing to be restored.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Follow-up MRI on Jan 3
To all of you faithful prayer warriors out there, my follow-up MRI is tomorrow at 10:30am. I am to arrive at the hospital at 10am. This is considered my 3-month follow-up scan, but was delayed because of the timing of radiation. I am a little anxious about it (ready to get it done), but all the while trusting in God that I am healed of this tumor and they will see nothng left behind. Please join me in calm my nerves and that my MRI is perfectly normal! I have already been praiseing God for my healing and for the great results tomorrow. Know that I will let you know what it shows when I know. Thanks for the support!
Laura (I really wrote this, but it signed me in under Chad)
For those of you that would like to join me in prayer for another battling a brain tumor, I have come to know Kate. If you would like to pray for her too, her blog is She just shared on her blog a wonderful verse that I needed to hear: I raised you up for this very purpose, that I might display my power in you and that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth.Romans 9:17
On that note, goodnight. Thank you for all te prayers.
Laura (I really wrote this, but it signed me in under Chad)
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