Saturday, August 11, 2007

A Restful Nap

I thought I'd take a chance to post a quick note. Chad is still resting, but we both had a chance to take a wonderful nap after that llooonnnggg MRI this morning! I never knew such a thing existed! Chad might have been more exhausted than I was...I had to do silly tasks while laying down, and he had to listen to the chemical engineer explain how the program and test actually worked!! Oh my! Definitely, bladder and all, I would have rather been the one on the table in that MRI! ;) Oh how I would love to have one of my many OMM friends down here to treat my upper back after laying on that hard surface not moving for 3.5 hours! And just to see you, of course!

We are thinking of getting out this afternoon and going to a nearby mall to walk around a little...since I won't be able to do a lot of that next week. There is a shuttle that will take us there and then pick us up when we are ready to come home. So wonderful! It has been humid and in the 100's...too muggy to walk there from our hotel.

I really can't say enough thank you's for the comments you are all posting on our has been truly awesome! Something like this really makes your friends shine...and I can't say enough good things about mine!! I am still amazed everyday through this experience how mighty and awesome our God is! Through all of this God has carried me the whole way...even in my moments of weakness--He's comforted me and given me a peace that only He can give. I feel so blessed as I am almost 36 hours from a craniotomy and have our God guiding every last detail. He has truly orchestrated every event and it is so apparent!

I can't say enough about my amazing husband, who has been so strong, loving and supportive! I love you honey, more than you know!! xoxo

Be certain I will post something tomorrow, as I've been thinking of specific prayer requests for during the time of my surgery. Again, we can't say enough thanks for the support. Thank you for continuing to lift us up to our God in prayer as we quickly come one step closer to my total healing!

We love you and may God bless you all,


Anonymous said...

Hey there, my dear friend! I am sending a good 'ole Kirksville crunch cyber-space style right to ya! I can't imagine 3 1/2 hours on an MRI table! I'm glad you and Chad are going to get out for a bit. Take care--know you are loved! Denise and I are meeting early Monday AM to pray; it's going to be pretty noisy in Heaven on Monday morning, me thinks!

Susan Bentley and Mandy Crawford both send love and prayers.

Angels watching over you-

Elaine Fedewa said...

Dear Laura and Chad,

You are an amazing couple. You both are in our thoughts and many prayers. Your peace and your faith are so great. We hope you have a really special evening together. God bless.

Much Love,
Jim and Elaine Fedewa and Stacey and Katelyn, too.

Anonymous said...

I will be storming the gates of heaven praying for you and Chad on Monday. I am praying peace and serenity envelopes you. I am so thankful we have a God who know only hears but answers our prayers. Even the unspoken ones in our hearts, He knows. I love you Superstar. You are shining bring through this, very, very bright!

Love ya


Anonymous said...

The farmers market misses you. I didn't buy my baby taters in protest of being without my buddy. Lucas said "AMEN" at the dinner table tonight as we prayed for Lala and Uncle Chad to be strong and cuddle lots.
“God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.”
Love P